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Promoting Human Resources Through Education: An Investigation Of Three Places In The Southwestern China

Posted on:2008-03-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360215965512Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is a fact that a country's fate is, to a large extent, decided by its development of human resources. Characterized with huge population, insufficient natural resources and innovative capability as well as the low-level labor force, the problem of human resources occupies a prominent position in China. Based on human resource capital theories, the previous achievements in this field mainly took the economics perspective. They cared about the current situation, development and administration of human resources, and tried to prove that education is important to development of human resources. There are, however, few studies that have touched upon growth principles of human resources. This thesis argues that the key of solving problems of human resources is to discover their growth principles. To clarify relations between education and human resources, especially mechanism of this relationship, will be much helpful for us to explore educational principles and strategies of improving human resources. This is the starting point of the thesis.The present study focuses on the physical space of three places—Kangding in Szechwan province, Yangsuo and Jinxiu in Guangxi province—which are featured with rich varieties of the natural circumstance and nationality, and with affluence in both culture and product. The research method is to propose the theoretical structure through analyzing the structural equation and case study.For the structural equation modeling of human resource development, the study takes spot check. The questionnaire is close. It has the five-level selection, and the evaluating division is "5-4-3-2-1." The analyzed potential variable and its observed variable are: (1) the quality level of human resources (the social capital, concept of Self, sense of happiness, knowledge and skill); (2) schooling (integrational experiences, the professional association, understanding of education); (3) the natural circumstance (the spiritual build, choice of livelihood) (4 ) the economical configuration (the economical type and system); (5) the local culture (customs, traditional crafts, understanding of culture); (6) the individual's self-organizing ability (faith, condition, ability). The theoretical hypothesis of the questionnaire is achieved through study of the following three aspects: (1) what elements are included in the structural modeling which influences human resources and their development; (2) human resources' demographic and classificatory differences based on the revised modeling of the complex questionnaire; (3) the developmental elements' structural modeling difference which influences the standardized human resources and localized human resources. The structural modeling data of the questionnaire will be analyzed with SPSS11.5 and AMOS 6.0 (Analysis of Moment Structure) . The result shows that (1) basic elements that influence human resources include the natural circumstance, the local culture, the economical configuration, schooling, and the individual's self-organizing ability. They have given functioning tracks; (2) development of human resources exists in its original field which involves "the natural circumstance," "the local culture," and "the economical configuration." They influence each other in the way that "the natural circumstance" is the primary potential independent variable. It gives a positive influence upon "the local culture" and "the economical configuration," while "the local culture" upon "the economical configuration." In their own way all three give a positive influence upon "schooling," "self-organization," and "quality of human resources." The secondary field of human resources involves "schooling" and "self-organization." "Schooling" gives a positive influence upon "self-organization" and "quality of human resources," and "self-organization" upon "quality of human resources;" (3) there exists the classification of the standardized human resources and localized human resources. They are different in growth, and elements influencing them also demonstrate various functions and degrees. The impact of "Schooling" upon development of the standardized human resources is far more powerful than upon the localized human resources, and the impact of "self-organization" upon development of the localized human resources is far more powerful than development of the standardized human resources; (4) both the original field and secondary field produce difference impacts upon the standardized human resources and localized human resources. The original field's impact upon the standardized human resources is mainly indirect. Its impact upon the localized human resources is also indirect, but the direct impact is more important, that is, the original field's function is mainly indirect. The secondary field's total influence upon the standardized human resources is mainly direct, as it does upon the localized human resources, that is, the secondary field's function is mainly direct; (5) there is not a striking difference in gender, native place, and nationality in development of human resources, but the difference in educational level and age is striking. The seven cases from the three places demonstrate and explain the inner rules of developing human resources. It proves (1) the existence of the classificatory difference in human resources; (2) the complexity of life of human resources; (3) developing elements and their functions of human resources; (4) the subjective performance of human resources' developing mechanism; (5) educational attributes of human resources.Through mathematic measurement, case study and theoretical deduction, it is discovered that the spatial field of human resource development is a diffusible network with a central structure. It composes of four levels: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem among which the microsystem stands as the immediate situation of developing human resources. Belonging to this system, the original field and secondary field exert various influences upon human resource development. This development's educational mechanism is demonstrated in the adapting evolvement of the individual's self-organization, in the mutual function of the self-organizing system and the external system as well as in the cooperating function of the schooling's constituents. If the educational paradigm to promote human resources is proper, it is supposed to develop habital and its tension of human resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:education, human resources, development, mechanism
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