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Research On University Construction In View Of Green Theory

Posted on:2011-03-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A R HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360308990041Subject:Technology and education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary global human problems are actually "people" issues. Studying the responsibility and mission that higher education should take to environmental issues is of great significance. And"Green"is selected in the paper as the starting point and research core.On the basis of ancient Western organism and ancient Chinese thought"Nature and man in one", and on the foundation of Science of Complexity, the"Green Integrate Organism"is put forward in the paper, by absorbing the useful elements of"The Constructive Post-Modernism".Scanning the modern universities at the view of green integrate organism, there are so many problems as"Natural Predatory"in personnel training, the non-cooperative administrative system and the bureaucratization in the management of university and the erosion of utilitarian university culture and the impact of mass culture, etc. The existing patterns of these modern universities have a very close internal relationship with the environmental and ecological problems of modern society and the emergence of unsustainable development patterns.In this paper, the writer takes green integrity organism as the theoretical direction for university construction, and absorbs the useful elements of today's green university construction, from aspects of soft and hard environment constructions. In soft environment, the paper begins at the logical starting point of university and puts forward the"Green People"education philosophy, taking"Green Integration knowledge"as its starting point. It has constructed a dynamic, knowledge-based and"Dialogue"teaching process, and develops curriculum integration model with the center of"Green People"; it has put forward the integratedly organic and cooperatively evolved university management organization pattern, and"Green Scientific Research Mechanism"to advance the development of"Green People"; and it also has created"Green University Culture"driven by the fusion between modern and tradition, the West and the East, material and spirit, and science and humanism.In hard environment, it starts at the internal relationship between ideas of university and the external physical environment of university at first, and analyses the close internal relationship between the soft environment construction and the hard environment construction of university. Then from the different perspectives in material classification, it divides the hard environment into campus architecture, resource energy, afforestation and beautification and multi-campus area traffic and resource utilization, and points out some problems existing in the process of university hard environment construction at present. Finally, under the instruction of green integrate organism, it offers the possible paths and strategies for problems resolution.On the basis of researches above all, it has selected ten universities from different areas of our country and at different levels to make many empirical studies, according to the green integrate organism. First of all, it calculates the index weights by Analytic Network Process, and then on the basis of subfactors, it divides the ten universities into five levels by the Grey Clustering Method. And two of them are green, two are mid green, three are light green, two are green-to-be, and one is non-green. As a result, it goes to a conclusion that there are"different levels of constructions with great differences"in the process of green university construction of our country today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green, University, Soft Environment, Hard Environment, Construction
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