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Multi-Agent Architecture And Morphology Of Community Governance

Posted on:2016-04-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G HuFull Text:PDF
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The research theme of this article is multi-agent architecture and morphology of community governance under the spindle of "state and society" relationship. As a systematic, basic, microscopic social governance, community governance is valuable "perspective" to observe society. The current mainstream view hold the opinion local government, market organization, social organization, community residents are the main body of the urban and rural grass-roots social governance, which is Formed into the governance structure of multi-agent community. In my opinion, building multiple subjects management platform can provide a realistic basis for local governance. And, forming cooperative mechanisms for cooperation can improve the social forces to participate in voluntary social governance, enthusiasm and initiative. Revelatory significance lies above view, community governance innovation is not just the local government how to governance the community, but also a systematic project including the government, the market, and social forces. We should make the governance which is controlled by government to change into multi-agent, so that it can reconstruct the order of the community and achieve good community governance. Thus, this article focuses on the question is that constructing of community governance structure and the formation of multi-agent cooperation mechanism to accurately determine whether the proposition community governance "should be" state? At present, the main structure of community governance and "ought to be" state is like? Each governance body has a kind of action logic and acting? Community governance "should be" state and the "ought to be" has a kind of difference between the different state?In this paper, based on governance theory which including publicity and public space, I construct analysis framework of "actors-power-space" to analyze power relations between the community governance body, the course of action and action space. In this analytical framework, "actors" are active have the values and interests of the preference has resources of power, participation includes a plurality of community governance:local party organizations, community self-government organizations, community organizations and social economy organizations; "power" is the core reflect the "actors'ability, community governance structure of power relations between the community governance body explicit form; "space" is the "action" of the community action field, this space is both subjective and public nature, but also with the differentiation and overlap.With the theoretical framework, I select NH district of Guangdong province as a case to explain the different communities from the governance body and to study practical action narrative logic.From the viewpoint of local government action, current government chooses to enter and actively leading society, which reflects the national governance, is changing and going down to the grass-root. In fact, country's "back" and "forward" is only an appearance, but the truth is to establish government authority and control logic to draw political legitimacy of resources at the grassroots level. Local government-led "village-to-community" shows its use and its strategy selection authority in the community. The most important is "political and social separation" and "political and economic separation" does not make the community committees "double agent" role to be changed, but to make it into an "involution" dilemma. In addition to relying on the executive power to promote community governance reform, local government is to extend its power by expanding traditional and new space to play the leading role.From the perspective of the reform of collective economic organizations, collective organization needs to balance its "collectivity" and "marketability". Collective economic organization was born in the reform of rural land management system innovation. As a collective asset management business units and distribution units, collective economic organizations are a combination of "marketability" and "collectivity ". Under the collective economic organization operating logic of "total system", "women married to nonlocal whose hukou is in local" controversy makes the collective boundaries problematic issue, it reflects fierce game between "local tradition" and "national law". Collective economic organizations, residents'committee and party organization mix one figuration, which raised the plight of community governance. Direction of collective economic organizations is marketization and demutualization, beside the key point is internal clear property rights and the external perfect architecture. And "the two rights confirm", "autonomy and economy separation", "two platforms" are reform under the leadership local government, but the dual function of positioning and incidental still fetters its path of reform.From the perspective of the development of social organization, cooperation local government and social organizations can promote its development. The reason why local government supports the development of the service organizations is closely related to the social functions of the government reform about public service provision. Local government system through the project and rating system to select social organizations, so the room to grow within the current national social organizations are still controlled by the government, and the development of the necessary resources are also depend on the local government. In this case, the social organization of "autonomy" and "independence" has been greatly affected, which shows that the practice only fit the needs of local governments can get their own development.The study found:from the governance structure, "meta governance" is typical character of the community under the governance structure, the dominant position of the local government's" meta-governance" by the path-dependent system, national governance center of gravity shift down and power resource, but the main multiple bodies of governances related on government initiative to promote local, community organizations differentiation and social forces are closely related. From the point of view of governance authority, the presence of multiple main power of community and the tension is the normal community governance, the current pattern of power to local communities is still showing as the center of administrative power radiating structure, local government and other governance body exists between form and strategies of different powers interactive. From the point of view of governance space, as the interaction field between the governance, the space of "differentiation-coupling" reflects the diversification of space. Spatial representation type differentiation, subject embedded as well as the construction of cross-coupled configuration space is salient features of a community of practice space production.Based on the above analysis, this article is intended to emphasize these aspects. First, the current local government to lead the community in the process of governance, but also significantly influenced the community autonomous organization, collective economic and social organizations to join governance. Second, the proposed multi-agent community governance is not based on the popular assumption that "national subside" and "market triumph" on the contrary, the state-market-society is embedded in a mutual relationship, the current community governance is still in state power logic under the influence during the more the application of "social management technique". The state still has a huge administrative inertia, so that government authority further covers the grassroots community. Third, currently we are entering a diversified interests and conflict normalization of society, local government in responding to the challenges in the process of social issues is adjusting its governance policies. With the civil consciousness awake and the power of people, local government, autonomous organizations, market organizations, social organizations and the "community" all have their own interests and strategies aim ideas, they differ in the pursuit of common interests. In the balance of power conversion from long tense process, we can see the subtle changes in the governance structure of the community. Fourth, to the process of community governance model, an important issue is the "service-trust-negotiate". So, constructing cooperation mechanism, multi-agent community governance of public goods is not only the reproduction of the community public goods, but also the reproduction of community public responsibility and community publicity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community governance, Multi-body structure and morphology, Governance structure, Governance authority, Governance Space
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