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Endogenous And Constructional:Attempt To Activate The Villager Autonomy Resources And Its Paradox

Posted on:2017-04-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330488486456Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The village autonomy based on the organizational villager our country has experienced a lot of difficulties and problems in the last 30 years, and then entered a bottleneck period. And in the more basic social unit villages, the villagers'self governance showing a strong vigor and vitality with its intrinsic value and strength. Qingyuan, a city of Southern China, started the villager autonomy gravitation reform based on its traditional resources and internal vitality, which is aimed at activating the autonomy of resources by the return of natural autonomy tradition of the village and the connection between the new and the traditional rural society's autonomy. Why such a reform occurred in Qingyuan? What kind of autonomous reform had generated in this native land at the traditional periods? Whether this kind of autonomy form can be truly reconstructed under the current modern state system and the rural social condition? In other words, whether these efforts originated from the activated autonomy which was dominated by government can achieve the expected reform achievement or not? This article aims to return to the deepest history and the most basic level, taking Yuntai as the foundation of investigation, and comparing the traditional village villager autonomy and self-government as well as participation observation on the villagers autonomous center of gravity reform. The author tries to explain the attempts and paradox about the villager autonomy gravitation reform in the process of modernization, and then propose new effective path mining resources on the villagers'autonomy history node.The focus of the villager autonomy gravitation reform is based on the traditional social autonomy and the vitality of the villager's autonomy under the current construction. Therefore, the comparative study of traditional rural self governance and the construction of modern state is the foundation of this study. The small village's reaction in front of the big change is also an important part of this study. As a participatory research, the author seeks to integrate into the Yuntai village. Through a in-depth excavation of the traditional clan social legacy of fragmented local memory and limited text materials, this article tries to reproduce a more realistic traditional rural autonomous form. The author also tries to present a relatively complete social change process through a comprehensive analysis of historical life experience of Wu-people. It also aims to inspect the social foundation of the autonomous reform by a carefully study of the real rural autonomy condition of Huanan villages under a new turning point of history. In addition, it will figure out the internal tension between the construction of modern states and the reconstruction of villager's autonomy under the returning period of autonomy guided by the government, through the whole process of participation and observation. Consequently, besides giving the general conclusion of the self-autonomy reform, this paper will explore the effective way of activating the autonomous resources in a new eraThis paper adopts a participatory method to give a panoptic study of the center moving down of villager autonomy reform which is aimed at activating the autonomous resources, including the reform basis, reform scheme, reform condition, reform process and the reform achievements. Thus it can gives an introspective thinking of the reform which has taken place more than thirty years, together with a brand new direction of further development. Firstly, this paper goes back to the deep condition of history, and analyzes the complete form of traditional rural self-government in a concrete historical field, which can give a comprehensive understanding of the traditional social autonomy. (Chapter 2) Secondly, this article will take a deep excavation on the villagers autonomy in the modern state construction, especially the natural village, and compare it with the traditional social clan village autonomy(Chapter 3) It is also due to the different social background and environment confronting in the modern villager autonomy and the traditional rural autonomy, the villager's autonomy reform mainly guided by the government finally derives a re-administerizaiton process of rural grassroots after the political turbulence, and rural chaos. The reform therefore goes to its opposite, and it becomes the first paradox of itself. Fortunately, when the waves of the reform reached a pause,the traditional rural village ultimately finds out its inner equilibrium point, and the grassroots village autonomy once again sprouts new vitality,. So the reform creates another paradox. (Chapter 4) Yuntai village's reform practice show that it is difficult to move down the center of the village autonomy, and the efforts of returning to the traditional autonomy is ultimately in vain. Consequently, the reform will goes to against itself. However, it is also important to notice that the return of tradition also can provides useful traditional autonomous resources. The key of activating villager's autonomy vitality is figuring out the best and effective methods of excavation of traditional resources. Thus, it can lead to multiple and effective implementation forms of villager's autonomy under a new period. (Chapter 5)...
Keywords/Search Tags:villager autonomy, village committee, natural village, construction village, traditional rural society, Modern State Construction
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