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The Village Committee Elections: Legal Analysis Of The Practice Of Grassroots Democracy

Posted on:2010-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The villager's autonomy is formed and developed under the background of Chinese economic and political reform,reflecting the combination of basic stratum's spontaneous democratic practice and upper regime's own initiative popularizing,the combination of spontaneous democracy and mobilizing democracy. The villager's autonomy is extending further to more genuine and deeper levels democracy with the breakthrough of villager's committee election. There are many conflicts and difficult positions in villager's autonomy. We must face and solve these urgent problems,especially the conficts between the villager's committee and the committee of Chinese Communist Party's base unit in village,the conflicts between the villager's committee and the village and town's government.. To analyze the cause of these conflicts and search the way of solving these problems is the important theoretical task which promotes the villager's autonomy and the process of the basic stratum's democratic rule by law. It has the theoretical significance and practical value.
Keywords/Search Tags:the villager's committee election, the conflicts between the villager's committee and the committee of Chinese Communist Party's base unit in village, the conflicts between the villager's committee and the village and town's government
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