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Research On The Path Of Transformation And Upgrading Of Chinese Manufacturing Industry Driven By Trade And Investment

Posted on:2017-02-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330512951152Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout 30 years' development of China ' s reform and opening up,by using competitive advantage of labor force which originates in Chinese labor resources comparative advantage,China deep into the international division of labor system and quickly become the "world factory".But with the rapid rise of domestic labor costs,the ecological environment worsening,Chinese low value-added manufacturing' competitive advantage of labor resources is gradually lost,and confronted with some new requirements,just like transition and upgrading.In this background,this paper firstly analyzes the effect channels and mechanisms of international trade and investment in China's manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading.To promote the dynamic changes of China's comparative advantage and the transformation and upgrading,whatever kinds of channels and mechanisms,export trade,attracting FDI and OFDI are depend on the impact of China's manufacturing technology accumulation,technological progress and factor endowment structure change.Secondly,This paper analyzes the dilemma facing the Chinese government and enterprises,and studies the influences of learning efficiency,technology progress,factor endowment accumulation and the decisions of China government and enterprises on economic transformation and upgrading,by establishing three countries and two sector model through the way of mathematical derivation.In the analysis process,this paper shows that Chinese will be caught in a "middle-income trap" in Which kind of situation through the mathematical analysis,and put forward to the policy recommendations of avoiding the "middle income trap" and achieving the transformation and upgrading.Again,this paper modifies the C-H model,and empirically analyzes the rationality of three two sector model by using the modified C-H mode.And we understand the different effects and threshold effect of learning absorptive capacity,international trade,FDI and OFDI on China's manufacturing industry with high and low technology sector.In addition,this paper analyzes the experiences of the transformation and upgrading of the Japanese manufacturing industry and HUAWEI company from the angle of global value chain.These case studies have implications for Chinese government that make the transformation and upgrading'industrial policies,have important significance for Chinese enterprises who how to achieve the transformation and upgrading in the global value chain.At the end of this paper,according to the results of the study,this paper proposes the transformation and upgrade' policy suggestions of China's manufacturing industry from the perspectives of trade and investment,the government and the enterprise:revitalizing the stock resources of science and technology,implement the reconfigurations of factor endowment;improving human capital and technology capital increment,realizing the the dynamic changes of comparative advantage,condensing reform consensus,seizing the "window period”of transformation and upgrade;formulating appropriate policies,strengthening the forward-looking industrial policy,ensuring the policy to be implemented;increasing the intensity of reform and opening up,encouraging emerging manufacturing development;actively integrating global resources,technology and management upgrade pay equal attention to.
Keywords/Search Tags:China Manufacturing Industry, Transformation and Upgrading, International Trade and Investment, Dynamic Comparative Advantage, Global Value Chain
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