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Research On Farmers’ Behaviors In The Resource Utilization Of Straw And Its Optimization Strategies

Posted on:2017-08-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330515487533Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Straw,as a byproduct of crop production,contains relatively rich nutrients such as nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium,will cause environmental pollution with rain and farmland water soaking if abandoned;as one of the main wastes of agricultural production,will similarly cause environmental damage,lead to fire,destruct farmland soil if burned.On the contrary,if straw was disposed as resource,it will make full use of straw and avoid the waste of straw and the dangers of fire.This shows that straw is“using for profit,discarding for waste”.Under the double pressure from the shortage of resources and the pollution of environment,government and scholars have increasingly payed close attention to the problems of straw,issued a series of policy documents from system,fund and technology to support the prohibition of straw burning and the multiple utilization of straw.Thus,resource utilization of straw has become an important way to optimize energy structure,develop green agriculture and low-carbon agriculture in our country,and has also been of great significance for building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society,increasing agricultural productive capacity,raising farmers’ income,improving the rural environment and realizing green development.Farmer is one of the most important subjects for resource utilization of straw,farmer’s disposal behavior of straw is directly related to the effect of straw’ multiple utilization.Under such a condition,it is worthy for us to study in-depth that with continuous support from the government for resource utilization of straw,what about the resource utilization of straw indeed,what about the problems existing and whether any space for optimization of farmer,the terminal receiver of administrative policies from the government.Consequently,this paper,under the guidance of circular economy theory,farmer behavior theory,externality theory and game theory,applies both statistical and econometric analysis method to calculating the volume of straw resource and its changing trend,tracking the resource utilization history of straw and clarifying the policy background and development orientation of resource utilization of straw;it identifies issues like farmers’ cognition and willingness of resource utilization of straw,and emphatically analyzes behaviors from the perspective of decentralize utilization andcentralize utilization,as well as the effect factors of farmer’s recognition,ecological compensation for straw collection utilization and the reason why farmers haven’t been able to sell the straw;it compares the behaviors of large-scale farmers and common farmers,and implements a game analysis of farmers with government and enterprises in the resource utilization of straw;in the end,based on the foregoing conclusions and representative features,modes and experiences of foreign countries’ resource utilization of straw,it provides policy suggestions for improving the resource utilization level of straw and effective strategies for optimizing farmers’ behavior in the resource utilization of straw.The main research and conclusion include:(1)The resource utilization of straw is accompanied by the transformation of agricultural production and life style in our country,which has experienced three stages: “starting promotion”,“strengthening support” and “improving efficiency”.According to the guiding direction of the government policy and the technical development process in the resource utilization of straw,the resource utilization evolution of straw can be divided into three stages: “starting promotion”,“strengthening support” and “improving efficiency”.From the existing documents,the government’s attention to resource utilization problems of straw dates from 1996,and many regulatory documents about the prohibition of straw burning and the multiple utilization of straw are published thereafter.From year 1996 to 2007,the government considered straw problem as a major environmental problem,the focus was also on the prohibition of straw burning so as to prevent the pollution of the atmospheric environment.The resource utilization of straw entered the "strengthening support" stage in 2008 to 2013,the government had issued programmatic documents such as “Circular on Further Strengthening the Work of Prohibition of Straw Burning”、“’Twelfth five-year’ Implementation Plan of the Multiple Utilization of Crop Straw” etc.Since 2014,the government has strengthened the sorting,integration and promotion of technology for multiple utilization of straw,and the multiple utilization of straw has become more and more efficient.(2)Farmers’ cognition degree of the resource utilization of straw is low,but their willingness to utilize is high,and it is affected by the individual characteristics,the characteristics of farmers’ family and other factors.The study on farmers’ cognition of resource utilization of straw shows that farmers have low awareness and there is space for improvement.The study on farmers’ willingness to utilize straw as resource shows that 79.03% of the farmers have the willingness,which means that most of the farmers are willing to make use of the straw resource.Further research on the factors of farmers’ willingness to utilize shows that the farmers with the identity of village cadres,the larger the planting scale,the higher the cognition degree of the value of straw,the higher the cognition degree of straw utilization in protecting the environment and the awareness of resource utilization policy of straw,the stronger farmers’ willingness for resources utilization of straw;while the higher the farmers’ age,the higher the farmers’ annual income,the lower willingness for resources utilization of straw.Compared with those in Anhui Province,farmers in Shandong Province are more willing to utilize the straw as resource.(3)Under the policy of prohibition of straw burning,farmers gradually utilize straw as resource,and the concrete ways of utilization mainly influenced by the cost and benefit.The survey on farmers’ behavior in the decentralized utilization of straw shows that burning straw in the open is effectively curbed under the policy of prohibition of straw burning.Accordingly,farmers seek to utilize straw as direct fertilizers for farmland,fodder for animals,fuels or methane gas,substrate for edible fungus and feed stock.Among these,most of the farmers(76.91%)utilize straw to fertilize the farmland directly,while other ways of utilization are relatively less.Based on the analysis of cost and benefit,the reason why farmers mostly utilize straw as direct fertilizers is that other ways of utilization involve straw collection,which makes it difficult to make up for the time and labor cost.And it is exactly these cost making it difficult to transform farmers’ willingness to behavior.From the view of efficiency,direct fertilizers for farmland is not the optimal way for straw utilization.Therefore,it is necessary to optimize the farmers behavior in the decentralized utilization of straw,the main optimization directions include that raising technical level,transforming decentralized utilization to centralized utilization,providing subsidy to reduce the costs of straw collection.(4)Most farmers support the ecological compensation mechanism for straw collection utilization,but farmers’ compensation amount does not accord with the payment level,and the influence factors of each are not entirely the same neither.On the grounds of the analysis of farmers’ compensation and payment standard of ecological compensation for straw collection utilization,95.34 percent of farmers arewilling to accept a certain amount of compensation as incentive to participate in straw collection utilization,the expected value of which is 56.43 to 59.19 Yuan per month;while 72.46 percent of farmers are willing to pay the ecological benefits brought by straw collection utilization,the expected value of which is 11.07 to 15.28 Yuan per month.By comparison,farmers’ average compensation amount is about 4 times of their average payment level.Considering influencing factors,we can see that farmers’ compensation is mainly affected by labor cost,but the payment is influenced by multiple factors such as planting scale,rotation,part-time production,etc.Comparing the differences of influencing factors,we are easy to find the compensation standard is more ambiguous or uncertain than the payment standard;this may be due to the fact that farmers have innate higher expectation of taking compensation but lack strong awareness of giving payment for straw collection utilization,or farmers are lacking in cognition for the ecological compensation of straw collection utilization.(5)Farmers rarely sell the straw,the reasons main in the consideration of the supply of straw,the demand of straw and transaction costs.The study on farmers’ behavior of straw sale shows that the sample farmers rarely sell straw.The reason for that mainly includes three aspects of the supply of straw,the demand of straw and transaction costs.In the aspect of straw supply,due to the cost of straw storage and transportation,it is difficult for farmers to form an effective supply of straw.In the aspect of straw demand,as the collection and transportation system is imperfect and the natural risk of straw collection,enterprises’ demand for straw is difficult to transform as the effective demand.In terms of transaction costs,the existence of default risk easily leads to that the trading market of straw is the buyer market before establishing factory by enterprises,and seller market after establishing factory,this in turn leads to that enterprises are more cautious of the decisions to invest in establishing factory,and their effective demand for straw is difficult to upgrade.Therefore,it needs that farmers provide straw collection and storage area,enterprises undertake the transportation cost,government ensures the operation of the systems,only if the three subjects’ mutual cooperation will our country realize straw collection utilization,solve the difficulties in straw storage and transportation,form the marketization and industrialization development of straw resource.(6)Similar to ordinary farmers,large-scale farmers’ behavior in the resource utilization of straw is mainly utilizing straw as direct fertilizers for farmland,and it does not shows advantages of the scale operation in the utilization of straw.The study on large-scale farmers’ behavior in the resources utilization of straw shows that large-scale farmers’ cognition of the value of straw and straw utilization policy is higher than those of ordinary farmers,but their willingness to utilize straw as resource is not different from that of ordinary farmers.Although similar to ordinary farmers,large-scale farmers’ behavior in the resource utilization of straw is mainly utilizing straw as direct fertilizers for farmland as well,almost all large-scale farmers choose this way.Although large-scale farmers have the advantage in the centralized utilization of straw,due to the deficiency of demand for straw and the lack of trading market large-scale farmers almost did not sell the straw,and they have to bear more adverse impacts from utilizing straw as direct fertilizers for farmland.It shows that centralized utilization in the aspect of farmers achieved by scale operation can not play a role in optimizing farmers’ behavior in the decentralized utilization of straw at present,large-scale farmers and ordinary farmers are facing the same dilemma in the process of resources utilization of straw.(7)Optimizing farmers’ behaviors in the resource utilization of straw,realizing centralized utilization of straw by constructing a perfect collection and transportation system,both of which need every subjects’ mutual cooperation.Now it’s difficult to optimize farmers’ behaviors in the resource utilization of straw only by propelling from the aspect of farmers,it’s necessary to form a perfect collection and transportation system by farmers’ and enterprises’ mutual agreement,and to ensure the implementation of the agreement with the power of the government system.Therefore,this paper analyzed the characteristics of farmers’ and other stakeholders’ game behaviors in the resource utilization of straw.Firstly,the analysis on pairwise game behaviors of farmers and other stakeholders shows that: as limited rational economic men,farmers are aimed at maximizing their own interests in their decisions and actions.Secondly,the analysis on the dynamic game model of the three stakeholders among farmers,government and enterprise shows that;there are many uncertain risks in the dynamic game process of the three stakeholders because of the inconsistency of theobjective function or the value orientation of the government departments,enterprises and farmers,and the asymmetry of decision information of each subject,and thus affect the effect of resource utilization of straw.By finding the equilibrium solution of the tripartite game model,we can draw the conclusion that only if the three subjects make common efforts on the basis of pursuing their own interests will the resource utilization of straw achieves win-win situation.In the end,to improve the resource utilization level of straw and optimize farmers’ behavior in the resource utilization of straw,the article puts forward that: Strengthening local government’s policy executive ability,to ensure the resource utilization policy of straw into effort;Improving the universality of prohibition policy of straw burning,to intensify farmers’ awareness of resource utilization of straw;Speeding up the innovation and popularization of farm-oriented skill of straw,to improve farmers’ decentralized utilization efficiency;Perfecting the fiscal subsidy policy,to enhance the using benefit of subsidy;Playing the leading role of government,to construct the straw collection and storage system which is guided by government and participated with farmers;Stimulating straw-related enterprises to invest in establishing factory,to form a market-oriented pattern that enterprises’ demand for straw link to farmers’ supply of straw.In this paper,the innovation points are mainly in the following three aspects:(1)This paper analyzed the problem of ecological compensation for straw collection utilization.In order to control the straw burning and improve the efficiency of resource utilization of straw,it is an important policy tool to subsidize the relevant subjects.However,the problem of ecological compensation for straw collection utilization has not attracted the attention of scholars.In particular,it has not been analyzed simultaneously on the basis of willingness to accept(WTA)and willingness to pay(WTP).Straw collection likes a bridge for decentralized utilization and centralized utilization of straw,and it’s a prerequisite for the industrialization and marketization of straw as well,this paper simultaneously analyzed farmers’ compensation and payment standard of ecological compensation for straw collection utilization,and obtained a more realistic judgment on farmers’ compensation standard of ecological value for straw collection utilization.(2)This paper put forward the straw collection and transportation system in the framework of that the government guided farmers to build the straw collection and storage base,the straw-related enterprises enter and be stationed in the transportation.The heart of the matter to restrict transforming decentralized utilization to centralized utilization of straw,affect the improvement of resource utilization efficiency of straw is the imperfect system of straw collection and transportation,the existing researches mainly analyze the straw collection and transportation system from the point of cost and benefit,and the analysis of every subjects’ behavioral requirements behind the system is not enough.This paper considered that there is a rigid need to collect the straw from the perspective of conservation tillage and improvement of resource utilization efficiency of straw.Therefore,we suggested that the government should take the lead in guiding the farmers to build the straw collection and storage base,and then attract enterprises to invest in establishing factory,to a large extent,this mode is also a new attempt to construct the straw collection and transportation system.(3)Some valuable conclusions have been obtained.In this paper,some conclusions have been obtained through systematic analysis: Farmers’ cognition degree of resource utilization of straw was low,but their willingness to utilize straw was high.Farmers’ ways of resource utilization of straw were mainly affected by the cost and benefit,so they tended to utilize straw as direct fertilizers for farmland,which avoided the confusion of straw collection.Most farmers had a positive attitude towards the ecological compensation mechanism for straw collection utilization,large-scale farmers and ordinary farmers are facing the same difficulties in the resource utilization of straw.Farmers’ willingness to utilize straw as resource,and their ecological compensation standards were affected by the individual characteristics of farmers,family management characteristics,farmers perceived characteristics and regional characteristics,etc.The above-mentioned conclusions of this study have some theoretical and practical reference value to optimize farmers’ behaviors in the resource utilization of straw and promote the progress of resource utilization of straw.
Keywords/Search Tags:Straw, Resource utilization of straw, Decentralized utilization, Centralized utilization, Farmers’ behavior, Optimization strategy
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