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A Comparative Study Of Postgraduate Courses In Education Between China And Mongolia

Posted on:2021-01-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Full Text:PDF
GTID:1367330611455826Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's fierce global competition and integrated development background,it is particularly important for China and Mongolia to cultivate master's degree students with high academic ability and strong innovation ability.In the research of this paper,taking the postgraduate courses of pedagogy in China and Mongolia as the main research object,focusing on the guidance of curriculum theory,teaching theory and other relevant theories,analyzing the current situation of the development of the postgraduate courses of pedagogy in China and Mongolia,and then focusing on the comparative analysis of the similarities in the setting,implementation and governance of the postgraduate courses of pedagogy in China and Mongolia.And the differences.Then,under the guidance of SWOT analysis theory,this paper analyzes the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats of the development of China and Mongolia's master of education programs,and then draws lessons from the experience of the development of China and Mongolia's master of education programs respectively to draw lessons and suggestions for the development of their respective master of education programs,so as to provide the master of education programs for China and Mongolia through this study.The development of graduate courses provides some practical reference and theoretical basis.Due to the different educational management systems of the two countries,the degree of socialization of Mongolian education is getting deeper and deeper.Mongolia emphasizes the transitional and professional nature of master's education,while China emphasizes academic nature,so the curriculum value orientation of Mongolia is mainly social.China,on the other hand,focuses on disciplines.At the same time,the advantage of Mongolian pedagogy curriculum is that it is flexible,attaches importance to methodology curriculum and research method curriculum,and attaches importance to the social value orientation of curriculum setting.However,its curriculum setting is too flexible,which affects the quality of training.The main advantage of Chinese pedagogy curriculum is to set up Marxist-Leninist theory courses and to establish a curriculum system based on the subject knowledge system.However,the number and types of elective courses are not rich enough;the course content is outdated;some courses are not reasonably related to undergraduate courses;the curriculum content is not practical enough;pedagogy courses do not have humanities courses.In short,based on China's experience or advantages,it is suggested that Mongolia should emphasize the importance of elective courses from three aspects: curriculum setting,curriculum content and teachers' curriculum implementation methods.practical education should be emphasized,teachers' educational and scientific research ability should be improved,teachers' curriculum implementation ideas should be updated,teachers' curriculum implementation methods should be improved,and comprehensive consideration should be given to establishing curriculum objectives.Carry on the curriculum evaluation correctly and reasonably;As far as China is concerned,based on the experience and experience of Mongolia,we need to pay attention to and increase the curriculum of methodology,emphasize the frontier and scientific nature of curriculum content,pay attention to interdisciplinary setting,reasonably adjust curriculum structure,highlight the personalization of curriculum setting,strengthen the international research of curriculum,improve the orientation and strategy of curriculum implementation,and optimize curriculum objectives and evaluation.In short,the curriculum development of postgraduates of education in China and Mongolia can learn from each other's excellent experience,so as to make up for their own shortcomings.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Mongolia, Master of Education, Curriculum
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