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Influencing Factors And Mechanism Of Community Resilience In Tourism Destination After Disaster Events

Posted on:2015-12-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330491960251Subject:Tourism Geography and Tourism Planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The risks and vulnerabilities induced by natural hazards and disasters are on rise globally.The impacts are severe and widespread in the areas of physical,economic,social development,loss of life,property,resources and overall destruction.Escalating conflict among population,resource and environment may have profound impacts on sustainable development.Thus,there is renewed science and policy interest in the ability of society to cope with and positively adapt to crises and change.Resilience theory has emerged in recent years as a new sustainable development paradigm to provide new perspectives on community development and socioeconomic system adjustments to a rapidly changing world.Resilience is the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and still retain its basic function and structure.Resilience thinking presents a new approach to to understand the world and managing natural resources.Many argue that resilience thinking for social and community systems will be the optimal way to enhance the likelihood of sustainability in the uncertain.Resilience research has gone through three distinctive paradigms from 'ecological resiliencee to 'social-ecological resilience,,to the most recent focus on the resilience of human systems and communities referred to as 'social resilience'.Community is the basic geographic unit for human and social activities.Meanwhile,eommunity is the most direct impact unit of natural disasters.A community's resilience will determine its ability to successfully mobilize and respond to disaster and stress.Community resilience is integrally related to community and social sustainability.Hence,community resilience has become one of the hot topics in geography,disaster and community sustainability development study.Resilience is a widely used term across disciplines that has been applied more recently to the tourism context.Nature-based tourism is a natural resource-dependent industry.Tourism is vulnerable to the impacts of large disasters.Tourism development takes place in areas at risk from natural hazards.As a consequence,tourism interests may be subjected to prolonged reduction in visitation,damage to critical infrastructure and negative media attention,the effects of which can resonate within the industry for many years after a disaster.Tourism has become a major source of the economy and an important way to improve livelihoods in many communities.Therefore,tourism community resilience has become an important research field.But the somewhat limited literature on resilience in tourism systems thus far has included only conceptual and qualitative studies on the value of the resilience concept to understanding tourism and qualitative applications of the concept to community-based tourism.This paper combines the methods and theories of geographies,tourism sciences,disaster studies,and community studies and carries out both theoretical and practice level,into analyzing the community resilience in tourism destination.The aim of-this research is to explore multiple dimensions of community resilience in tourism destination,test the reliability and validity of social resilience scale in tourism community,evaluate the community resilience in tourism destination and compare the differences between Jiuzhai Village and Dujiangyan,analyze the key factors influencing community resilience in tourism destination,and analyze the influence and mechanism of key factors on community resilience in tourism destination.The paper is divided into three parts.Section 1,which includes chapter 1 to 3,studies the background and theoretical foundation.Chapter 1 analyses the study background and significance of the community resilience in tourism destination,identifies the main content,research framework and technical path,and introduces the basic research methods.Chapter 2 summarizes relevant research progress at home and abroad,such as the definition and research paradigm of resilience,community resilience and tourism resilience research,et al.,so as to confirm its applicability in tourism destination research.Chapter 3 constructs the theoretical frame.This paper analyses the key factors influencing community resilience in tourism destination,including social capital,place attachment,occupational identity,community participation and community empowerment.Next,we introduce the case of this study and describe the data collection,respondents'profiles and research methods.Section 2,from chapter 4 to 6,is the empirical part.The aim of this section is to explore multiple dimensions of community resilience in tourism destination,test the reliability and validity of social resilience scale in tourism community.Findings suggest that the social resilience scale proposed by Marshall and Marshall(2007)also applies to the tourism community.As a result,four dimensions of community resilience in tourism destination were extracted.They are the level of interest in change,perception of risk associated with change,perception of the ability to cope with change and perception of the ability to plan,lean,and reorganize.This paper found that perceived resilience level is significantly different in tourism enterprise operators5 demographic characteristics,such as gender,age,educational level and residence.These differences were also significant in tourism enterprise characteristics,such as enterprise age,types,the number of employees and revenues.This paper analyzed the influence and mechanism of key factors on community resilience in tourism destination by structural equation modeling.Findings suggest that social capital positively affects community resilience in tourism destination,the influence of linking social capital is greater than that of bonding and bridging social capital.Place attachment positively affects community resilience in tourism destination.The influence of place dependence is greater than that of place identity.Occupational identity positively affects community resilience in tourism destination,particularly in the dimensions of perception of the ability to cope with change and the ability to plan,learn,and reorganize.Revenues served to partially mediate the association between occupational identity and community resilience in tourism destination.Community participation positively affects community resilience in tourism destination,particularly in the dimensions of perception of the ability to cope with change and the ability to plan,learn,and reorganize.Community empowerment positively affects community resilience in tourism destination,particularly in the dimensions of perception of the ability to cope with change and the ability to plan,learn,and reorganize.Community empowerment and social capital served to partially mediate the association between community participation and community resilience in tourism destination.In the integrative model of community resilience in tourism destination,the most important influencing factor is community participation,followed by occupational identity,social capital,community empowerment and place attachment.Three paths existed in impact mechanism between eommunity participation and eommunity resilience in tourism destination.One is directly while the other is indirectly mediated by community empowerment and social capital.Finally,this paper presents a theoretical framework designed to analyse community resilience in tourism destination.Community system in tourism destination is comprised of place specific,tourism community and tourism enterprise.Community system in tourism destination interacts with the hazard event characteristics to produce immediate effects.The event characteristics include duration,frequency,type and intensity of the hazard.The immediate effects are influenced by community and enterprises' mitigating actions and coping responses.The mitigating action is influenced by the emotion between place,occupation and community members,such as Place attachment and occupational identity.The mitigating action of community members can enhance community capital.Community capital is a critical factor influencing eommunity resilience in tourism destination.The results of eommunity and enterprises' mitigating actions and coping responses have a feedback effect on community system in tourism destination.Section 3,which summarizes the text,refines an innovative point,and gives prospects for future research,is the conclusion.Community resilience in tourism destination is a new field in tourism studies.There are some innovative efforts in the following aspects:firstly,this paper explores multiple dimensions of community resilience in tourism destination and evaluates the community resilience in tourism destination.Secondly,this paper analyzes the key factors influencing community resilience in tourism destination.Finally,this paper analyzes the influence and mechanism of key factors on community resilience in tourism destination.
Keywords/Search Tags:tourism destination, tourism community resilience, social capital, place attachment, occupational identity, community participation, community empowerment, disaster
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