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Generational differences in leadership and conflict style preferences within family businesses in Taiwan

Posted on:2010-01-27Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Nova Southeastern UniversityCandidate:Chen, Andy Jung-YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002473013Subject:Business Administration
The results of this study indicate that the Taiwan managers have a fairly high level of consistency in their preference for both a predominant leadership and conflict resolution style. They prefer a participative style of leadership and an introspective/observant style of conflict resolutions. In addition, the owner/managers studied had a good sense of the reality of their perceptions of their own leadership style. Both of these findings are consistent with what might be expected from Chinese and Confusion Philosophy. However, there the strength of these preferences is not as strong in the younger employees indicating a real generational shift in preferred styles. This is particularly clear in terms of the conflict style where there was an increased preference for a more assertive style or Western style of conflict resolution in younger employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Style, Conflict, Leadership
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