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Exploring the viability of establishing an advisory committee and determining the role and function and structure of such an advisory committee in addressing issues facing a postsecondary library

Posted on:1997-01-06Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington College (Delaware)Candidate:Painter, John CecilFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to explore the viability of establishing an advisory committee and to determine the role and function and structure of such an advisory committee in addressing issues facing a post-secondary library. Subjects representing library personnel, administration, instructional department chairs, students, advisory committee members, and three higher education Partnership institutions completed three survey instruments during the fall semester of 1995. Survey instruments relating to the structure, role, and function of advisory committees and a library needs assessment were administered to the above cited subjects to obtain their perceptions of Owens Campus library needs and the value of advisory committees. This study was designed around six individual research questions. The dissertation outlines how each question was approached and answered. Presented with each research question is the approach used, population considered, the data collected, the data analysis employed, and statistical procedures utilized. Data and analysis demonstrated that advisory committees were excellent resources in assisting instructional departments to develop, update, and obtain departmental program goals and objectives. It was also concluded that such a resource was useful to a post-secondary library environment in meeting needs identified by library constituents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advisory committee, Library, Role, Function, Structure
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