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Expression Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor And Detection Of Microvessel In Brain Tumors And Its Significance

Posted on:2002-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GuoFull Text:PDF
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0bject ive: To invest igate tbe relationship between thetlxpression () l' vascu1ar endothel ial growth factor (VEGF), the.nllcrovesse1 quantfity (MVQ) and the grade in human brain g1 iomas,meningiomas and pi tui tary adenomas. To revea1 the coming on mechanismo f brai n tumors and to prov ide theoret ic bases for genetherapy of brai nt umors.Methods: Immunohi stochemica1 techniques were used to detectthe express i()n of VEGF and MVQ in 47 cases of human gl iomas (22 caseswi th I -- II grdclo, l5 cases with IIl grade, 10 cases with IV grade), 36t';lses of men i ngj omas (27 cases with benign, 9 cases with mdlignanttumors ) and 30 cases p itui tary adenomas. Al l specimens wereDaraffi n--embcdded. To examine the posit ive ce1l s and the positivelnicrovessels under binocu1ar l ight microscope. In addition, 10 cases()f ab1ated no[remal brain t issue and resected norma1 meninges spec imensI'rom post--bril in trauma were used as the contro1.ResuIts: The findings were as fo11ows: (l) There was no VEGFprote in express ion in the normal brain t issue and the norma1 meninges,lJut there was [ i ttle MVQ expression in them; (2) There were expression() f' VEGF and MVQ main1y on tumor ce1 l plasms and on vascular endothel ia1t'ol1 membranes in a1 l brain tumors, (3) The positive staining rates()f VEGF in three group of g1iomas were 22. 7 %, 86. 7 %, 90 %respectivel y, there was no significant difference of VEGF betweengrade III and grade ff ) significant difference was found among the()ther gradcs (P(0. 05i P<0. 0l). MVQ was significantIy higher iflVEGF--positi ve gl iomas than in VEGF--negative (P(0. 0l) i (4) There wass i gni fi cant d i fference of VEGF expressi on between benign and mal ignantmeningi omas (P<0. 05 ), and MVQ 1n VEGF--positive meningiomas wass igni ficant l y higher than that in VEGF--negat ive2llleningiomas (I)<0. 00l ): (5) The express ion of VEGF was positivelycorrelated to MVQ in gl iomas, meningiomas (r=0. 6l, 0. 75 respective1y,I)<0. 001), but no correlation was found in pituitaryildenomas (r=0. 07, P>0. 05).Conc l us ions: (l) There were expression of VEGF and MVQ main1y()n tumor ce l l pldsms and on vascular endothe1 ial cel1 membranes in a1ll)rain tumors, (2) The expression of VEGF protein in brain tumors isl)ositively c()rrelated to MVQ, which shows VEGF may play an importantr'o le during allgiogenesi s of brain tumors and promotes angiogenes is ofI)rdi n tumors, (:l) The expression of VEGF and MVQ has c1ose relat ionshipwi th brain tumors, and the measurement of the VEGF express ion and MVQllldy provide ()ne of the predictors for judgement about pathologica1grade/stage i n brain tumors, (4) VEGF can be used as a treatment target()t' brain t[lm()r's, which may provide guidance for genetherapy of brainl: umors.
Keywords/Search Tags:vascular endothelial growth factor, gliomas, microvessel quantity, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, immunohistochcmistry
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