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The Dissertatin On Anthropocentrism In Ethics Of Environment

Posted on:2004-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L MiaoFull Text:PDF
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With the great progress of science and technology and the well-developed growth of industry since the beginning of the 20 th century, human beings have been making their material civilization prosperous at an unprecedented rate. Simultaneously, they were menaced by such calamities as the destruction of natural resources, pollution of the environment, eclogical disturbance, etc. Partly as a response to them, ethics of environment, a branch of academic study, emerged as the times require, advocating that moral consideration should be bestowed upon nature to treat natural world as human beings would themselves, then in order to harmonize relations between nature and man by regulating human behavior. Though ethics of environment inside and outside China have been researched into seriously, there is no denying the fact that the individual scholar still has distinguished his/her own viewpoint from the others, especially, arguing the issue of the source of ecological environment. Gegerally speaking, these arguments originally caused a separation of the issue into two major divisions, a viewpoint for Anthropocentrism insisted that the contemporary problem of ecological environment had nothing to do with Anthropocentrism. moreover, the best way to solve the problem lies in accepting and relying on it, and another viewpoint for Anti-anthropocentrism argued that the contemporary problem of ecological environment had something to do with Anthropocentrism, however, Anthropocentrism must be cast away to revenge its fault. Only in this way can the problem be eradicated thoroughly. On this basis, this dissertation will probe into the following sectors.Section A: Firstly, this dissertation recounts the history of anthropocentrism development. Secondly, this part probes into the logical relationships between Anthropocentrism and ecological crisis.Thirdly, In essence, Anthropocentrism inquires into the relationship between man and nature, which could be given three explanatory notes: ontology, epistemology andaxiology. Arthropocentrism probed into on the cardinal principle of ethics of environment is an axiology proposition.Section B: While axiology proposition undlerlies the theory of Anthropocentrism, Anthropocentrism has been criticized from a variety of perspectives. To begin with, Anti-anthropocentrism and Anthropocentrism eluciadate and propagate their own standpoint through heat debate between either side. As far as these arguments are concerned, we can see that Anthropocentrism is indispensable to saving human beings from ecological embarrassment.Section C: Since modern anthropocentrism has direct relations with ecological crisis, some scholars argued that human beings should cast it away to reconstruct and formulate a hypothesis of contemporary anthropocentrism. The reconstruction of hypothesis reflects the scholar's or scientist's interpretation of what he or she has observed at a different angle and tier. Although largely successful while used as a new theory, whether or not contemporary anthropocentrism is practicable depends on the Sustainable Development Strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:ethics of environment, Anthropocentrism, Anti-anthropocentrism, Sustainable development
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