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From The "Non-anthropocentrism" To "Non-anthropocentrism Center"-"Reverence For Life," Ethics In Criticue And Reflection

Posted on:2011-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ShengFull Text:PDF
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With the continuing deterioration of the environment for human survival and ecological crisis has become increasingly prominent, as the adjustment of the relationship between man and nature, environmental ethics gradually replace the previous ethics which adjustment of human relations,become the focus of contemporary scholars. On the process of theoretical reflection,scholors gradually take the spear to blame "anthropocentrism", then, "non-anthropocentrism" gradually developed into a significant learning,however, as a representative of biocentric, Schweitzer's " reverence for life " ,even "non-anthropocentrism" are also faced with the contradiction between the thinking position and their own plight,which their sponsors and supporters can not solve themselves.This article is divided into three parts: there is a preliminary analysis of " reverence of life" ethics in the first part, after the simple analysis of the background and theoretical basis ,summed up their thoughts into three points .The second part of the article focused on the criticism and reflection of"reverence for life". First, criticize it by analyzing the three paradoxes of reverence for life , then explore the substance of the causes of these paradoxes in Western ideological roots,analyze the controversy and substance between "anthropocentrism" and "non-anthropocentrism",think that the ideological conflict of"reverence for life"and "non-anthropocentrism",is root of the way of thinking, the Western subject-object dichotomy,is one-sided emphasis the confrontation of subject and object.After the understanding of the thount and the plight of reverence for life, the articles in Part III analyzed the environmental ethics in ancient China,then propose a new concept of environmental ethics-"non-centered-anthropocentrism", abandon the defects and hazards of "non-anthropocentrism" and the previous "anthropocentrism", to find a real solution to the ecological crisis, achieving a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of human and nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-anthropocentrism, EnvironmentalEthics, Non-centered-anthropocentrism
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