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Qualitative And Quantitative Studies On Cross-cultural Adaptation Of French Sojourner In Shanghai

Posted on:2011-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305999062Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this study, France international students and workers are the target participants, because the number of them in Shanghai and the direct investment amount in China is reltively large, and another reason is the conflicts happened in the last two years between France and China. In order to found out whether these conflicts have affect on the adaptation of French people in China and which factors affect their adaptation, this research was launched.In the qualitative study, the author interviewed 9 international students and 4 Frenchmen worked in Shanghai. The results show that the French sojourners' acculturation is affected by cross-culture communication, personality, social support, duration in China, and acculturation strategy, etc. And the author chose some of the key factors here to further research in the quantitative study.In the quantitative study,132 French international students in Shanghai took the qustionnaire on cross-culture adapation. Through path analysis and modeling, conclusions are made in the area of the cross-cultural adapatation of French international students in Shanghai:(1) Psychological well-being affects the performance in study, and life satisfaction affects the performance and intention to return early.(2) The social-cultural adaptation is affected by Chinese language ability, communication self-efficacy, openness of MPQ and the instrumental social support from Chinese. (3) The psychological well-being is affected by Chinese and English language ability, indirect communication style, openness, emotion stability and social initiative, but Chinese language ability and indirect communication style have the negtive affect on psychological well-being. (4) The life satisfaction is affected by communication self-efficacy, openness in MPQ and the instrumental social support from Chinese. (5) Performance in study is affected directly by psychological well-being and life satisfaction, and is affected indirectly by those affect psychological well-being and life satisfaction. (6)The intention to return early is affected directly by openness in MPQ and life satisfaction, and is indirectly affected by othese affect life satisfaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-cultural Adaptation, Multi-cultural Personality, Social Support, Cross-cultural Communication
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