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Research On The Teenagers' Interpersonal Trust In Internet

Posted on:2005-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Based on the theory of interpersonal trust, we made a systematic practical research on the teenagers' interpersonal trust through th,e survey over several hundred young students. The research involves the features ,the factors influence it ,the positive and the negative results and finally, the interpersonal trust mechanism . We made the following conclusions:Firstly, the teenagers as a whole have a rational trust mechanism ,that's to say ,they are more likely to trust others according to the risk of the events involved, than according to the Guanxi with their web friends . The Guanxi factor also has a obvious influence on their trust ,but it is mainly due to the feeling factor embedded in Guanxi.Secondly, the teenagers' experiences of being cheated and harmed by their web friends or being rewarded from their web friends can both positively effect their trust level .Besides, the teenagers' sex ,age, their willing to make friends and their trust level on real world have a more significant effect on their interpersonal trust.Thirdly, the necessary trust have a negative relation with their abnormal activities in the web , that's to say , the lower their trust level, the more likely for them to break the regulations. Besides, their excessive trust have a positive relation with the possibility of being cheated by others in the web . The trust level , no matter whether they are necessary or excessive, have a positive effect on their trust.Finally, the forcible trust mechanism, such as the law , morality or public opinion, regulation, interpersonal links ,can hardly functioned to ensure the teenagers to trust others .On the other hand , the teenagers usually depend on the unforcible mechanism ,such as the teenagers' attitude towards human nature , the interpersonal relationship, the personal judgment ,to avoid the risk of their trust.In a word, the dialectical relationship between the web world and the real world , the rational and the irrational actions cause the abovementioned characters of interpersonal trust.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web interpersonal trust, Guanxi factor, Interpersonal trust structure, Interpersonal trust mechanism.
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