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Study On Corporation Innovation And Development In Administration Of Water Conservancy Project

Posted on:2006-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152487062Subject:Hydraulic engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Base on analysis for the current situation and future development conditions of the Sanmenxia Bright Pearl Group of YRCC, meantime, combing requirements of market economy law, the innovation measures and new development ideas were put forward from the viewpoints of sustainable development. And main contents of the paper include the following aspects:1. The achievement, experiences, and the existing issues of Sanmenxia Bright Pearl Group of YRCC were summarized firstly. Based on rational analysis on interior and exterior conditions for the further development of the corporation, the favorable conditions and disadvantage factors have been found.2. Combining consideration on the practical situation of Sanmenxia Bright Pearl Group of YRCC, the guiding ideology of innovation and targets of development were put forward, and advanced a series of detailed working tasks according to the present and future situation.3. Issues in innovation and development of Sanmenxia Bright Pearl Group of YRCC were studied.. Based on perfecting enterprise administration system, efficient enterprise management system and rational human resources utilization system were brought forward and established. Meanwhile, innovation measures and development ideas which can reflect the characteristics of the corporation were constructed through reorganizing the current organization structure and enhancing capital utilization and market management.
Keywords/Search Tags:water conservancy project, enterprise administration, development measures
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