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Research On Application Of Multi-Agent In Supply Chain Management System

Posted on:2006-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152975351Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the aggravation of the competition pressure, the forming of the globalization market and the violent development of the information technology, the production and operating activities of enterprises are transfered to a market-oriented order gradually. In order to meet market demand, the various kinds of organizations and the function units must strengthen cooperation and communicate information to realize the coordinative operation. It is an effective way of solving link integrative operation of supporting, producing, selling etc. to take the supply chain management, however the supply chain is a complicated network that it is made up with the supplier, manufacturer, warehouse, home-delivery center, retailer spreading all over the world. It is a typical distributed system that is disparate location and different is seem very much important that how to design effective supply chain management system to respond the request that supply chain management. Agent technology is a great breakthrough in the distributed artificial intelligence domain in recent years. It is an effectual method to utilize such characteristics as agent initiative , interaction , responsivity , independence ,etc. to solve the challenge that the present distributed system face.The paper just research on multi-agent system architecture and cooperation and apply it to the supply chain management system .This text has mainly carried on research to the following problem: 1) At the foudation that illuminate and compare the multi-agent system architecture, combine the characteristics of the supply chain management, such as, the dynamics, elasticity ,etc. the paper hasproposed multi-agent system architecture that based on hiberarchy and federal alliance institutional architecture, and structured and proved it in the supply chain management system. And the paper have designed several kinds of work patterns of intermediary agent in it.2)Have analyse the defects to the simple contract network protocol and improved these weak points, it has set up the multi-agent cooperate strategy which is the improved contract net protocol under the hiberarchy and federal alliance institutional architecture.4) Applicate the institutional architecture and cooperate strategy, and realize a supply chain management prototype system based on multi-agent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply Chain Management, Agent, Multi-Agent System
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