"Key towns increase powers"means that those key towns of strongeconomic strength are endowed with more powers of economic and socialmanagement, even the powers of economic and social management of thecounty (city) level."Key towns increase powers"is to solve the problemsof unequal conditions of finance power and responsibilities and restrictedpowers of key towns to make the city grassroots governments more vigor,to promote the balanced development of the city and the rural, and topromote the reform of government management systems during thecourse of urbanization."Key towns increase powers"is an importantaspect of government reform of villages and towns, which doesn't involve the adjustment of districts and endows key towns with moreeconomic and social powers. In early 1990s, Zhejiang province began tomake experiments, and the key towns develop quickly. The positiveeffects of the policy of"key towns increase powers"are obvious, and atthe same time, the powers of the key towns should be regulated.The paper takes shaoxing city as an example, and studies theregulation of powers of key towns from the point of power allocation andbalance. The paper elaborates the effects of the policy, the problems thatexist in the regulation process, and the countermeasures."Key towns increase powers"makes the allocation of powers morescientific, lowers the risks of corruption of civil servants of key towns,and makes key towns develop more quickly. But there are some problemsin the regulation process. The aim of regulation is not obvious, the legallevel of authority of key towns is not high, occupation morality of civilservants should be lifted, and the public's participation passion is notstrong. These problems points out the direction of regulating the authorityof key towns. The purpose is to make the government go more efficiently,and to build a service-oriented government. Government power boundaryshould be defined reasonably, the construction of administrative cultureof primary government should be strengthened, the level of humanresource management should be lifted, and the public should beencouraged to take part in the regulation process. The main study methods include documentation, comparativeanalysis, and investigation. The theories of public administration andpolitics will be used to analyze the regulation of power. Documentationmethod is used to study about domestic and foreign power standardizedoperation practice, especially the practice of shaoxing city. Comparativeanalysis method is used to point out the problems in shaoxing city.Investigation method is used to put forward countermeasures. Theinnovation point of this paper is to study from the point of powerallocation and balance and to put forward countermeasures.