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The Theoretical Analysis Of Construction Of Service Oriented Government In Contemporary China

Posted on:2006-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152490956Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The connotation of service oriented government is in accordance with the elements of "good governance" which people pursue of. The legitimacy, transparency, accountability, rule of law, responsiveness and effectiveness become the internal requirement of service oriented government, and which is basic characteristic different from the "controlled government". Constructing service orient government is a process actually aimed at good governance.Max's theory on the state is theoretic foundation of service oriented government's construction. Sufficient development of economy, all rights belong to people, establishment and perfection of the legal system are economic premise, political premise, and system premise of service oriented government's construction.After drawing the international lessons and summarizing the inside realities, Constructing service orient government is the objective of China administrative reform in the present age.There are some basic thoughts on construction of service oriented government: Taking citizen as the center and setting up the new principle of the management is a service"; Enhancing the public service working talent of government and Improving the public service ability of government; Regulating administration procedure and accepting the social direct; Building up scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system; Developing social intermediary organization and promoting the interaction between government and societies, citizens; Deepening the administration system reform and building a group of efficient, honest civil servants.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service Oriented Government, Government Transition, Good Governance
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