Governance Analysis Of The Voluntary Activity | Posted on:2007-10-21 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:W Ye | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2166360182981933 | Subject:Administrative Management | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | The thesis is on the background of the transition of public administration mode and governance structure in China;the theme is governance analysis of voluntary activity;the analytic factor is the governance selection. This theme is studied by pluralistic supply mechanism of public goods and the transformation of governmental function and in the voluntary activity field. This thesis is aimed at government profit to study that facing the promotion of voluntary organization and voluntary activity the government should how to orient and do in order to make the advantage of voluntary activity to be a way to governance reform and achieve the good-governance in the nonprofit field.First the thesis summarizes the voluntary activity, defines it with the situation of our country and evaluates the theories about the voluntary activity. Then it analyses the function of voluntary activity to show its important role on the public administration and put it into the institution analysis of governance reform to discuss the reasonable limitation of the government and society by the continuity of the supply mechanism of public goods. And then it can come to the conclusion that limited government is one of the institution factors of current governance reform. Finally on the basis of these studies the thesis analyses deeply the governance selection in the voluntary activity. Though a real case it can show the developing mode of voluntary activity and the unequal cooperationism of government and voluntary organizations. How to construct a good cooperation mode and institution selection is analyzed in the cooperationism. This thesis suggests that, the government should utilize current institution arrangement reasonably with the situation of our country and continue developing the pluralistic voluntary activity mode. Creatively it puts forth the opinion that the state cooperationism or the society cooperationism can be the means to make this harmony come true. When the government can regulates its behavior and envisages the interior power of voluntary activity there will be a good governance structure that is the cooperation of both sides. And it is a successful governance selection to the government.With a view of the situation of our country the thesis uses a logical standardizing method, applies cases analysis to strengthen demonstration and discuss the theorywith profit in this study. Above this thesis the author used the economic analysis method to the study field of governmental administration;utilized the achievement of public administration, public economy, politics and sociologic;and used the theory supports such as the ones of government, public selection, public goods, action motivation, IAPP, governance reform and cooperationism. Simultaneously around the theme this thesis tries to construct a new analysis frame of the study in governance reform. | Keywords/Search Tags: | Government, Governance Reform, Voluntary Activity, Voluntary Organization, Public Goods, Supply Mechanism, Cooperationim | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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