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Legal Issues Of International Drug Control

Posted on:2008-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y TengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215463319Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Drug trafficking is one of the most serious public safety and public health issues facing mankind. In order to control the spread of narcotics, States has made unswerving efforts. From the early 20th century, the international community has realized the importance of effective control of the drug, trying to make joint efforts to eradicate drugs and make the world away from the harm of drugs. So far, however, the drug problem has not been properly solved. With the development of modern science and technology and modern transport, international drug problem is gradually infiltrated into every corner of international society. In order to curb the proliferation of drugs, the international community must make greater efforts, more extensive and more effective international cooperation to solve this problem, and to improve the existing international drug control mechanisms. To achieve this goal, the study of the international drug control system appears to be particularly important. We are starting from the point of view of international law to analyze the international drug control law.Chapter one of this paper will focus on the international agencies engaged in drug control, analyzing its basic functions and the role played in the International narcotics control.International drug control legislation is the premise of the international community in anti-drug cooperation. Chapter two of this paper will introduce and evaluate the international drug control legislation.In more than one century, the international community has continued with the traditional drug control policy. Considering the international drug problem has not been significant improved, scholars begin to challenge the traditional drug policy on the theoretical and practical dimensions. Chapter three of this paper will discuss the various theories on the international drug control policy.To intensify international cooperation, and to expand the cooperation in drug control room is the consensus of the international community. Chapter four of this paper will analyze the forms of international cooperation in drug control and the international cooperation efforts being made by China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug, International control, Drug policy, International cooperation
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