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Political Dilemma Of Current Cross-Straits Relation And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2010-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272493475Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cross-straits relation is an essential issue which related to the country's core interests. Since the establishment of PRC, Chinese Government and people have always sticks to just principles and position and through the national overall interests, our government have made the greatest efforts to promote the development of cross-straits relation, hoping to achieve the country's reunification as soon as possible. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the Taiwan issue has not been properly resolved, but as time goes by, cross-straits relation becomes increasingly complex and long-term. After Ma Yinjiu elected as"president", Taiwan's policy towards mainland has dramatically changed. The cross-strait relation has eased and is moving to direction of two side's people expected. But it is still has some political dilemma that are hard to overcome, such as, Taiwan's future, international space and interference, the difference of politics and culture and military mutual trust between two sides. Analysis and assessment of Ma's mainland policy and the facing current cross-strait relation in depth not only help to understand and grasp the current and future trends of the Taiwan authorities'mainland policy, but also contribute to making object and accurate judgments and countermeasures of future trend. In this thesis, I use comparison, analysis, summary, attempting to detailedly analysis of Ma's mainland policy, to find out the cross-straits relation's political dilemma of in-depth development. On the base of that, I will bring seven countermeasures of promoting further development of cross-strait relation.There are three chapters besides forewords and conclusions. Chapter one Ma Yingjiu's mainland policy and its influential factors. This chapter firstly gives a comprehensive summary of Ma's mainland policy and described from six aspects: agree with 1992 consensus, stick to"one-China principle", Taiwan's future, cross-strait relation, main sense of Taiwan people and its international space. Then digging in reasons and background of Ma's mainland policy from three angles: mainland influence, social environment of land and international interferences.Chapter two the political dilemma of further development of cross-straits relation. This chapter brings out a series of old and new intertwined political dilemma of further development of cross-straits relation from different angles. That are, "One China" interpretation, Taiwan's identity, international survival space, political and cultural difference, military trading and mutual trust, the low level of communication and cooperation, Ma's value, necessary of election, oversea interference and restriction on cross-straits relation development.Chapter three countermeasures on promoting further development of cross-straits relation. This chapter, in the direction of"peaceful reunification and one country-two systems", writer comes out methods resolving facing political dilemma of further development of current cross-straits relation. That are, Adopt flexible measures to promote cross-strait political negotiations, strive for Taiwan people's heart from Taiwan's pro-independence, allow Taiwan reasonablely participate in international organization, promote spreads of Chinese culture to create"one China"cultural atmospheres, expand cross-straits dialogues and develops active and stable Sino-Us and Sino-Japan relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ma Yingjiu's, Mainland policy, Cross-straits relation, Political dilemma
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