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Law Security System Research Of Ecological Civilization Construction In Western Nationality Areas

Posted on:2010-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360278451701Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological civilization is an important civilization form of human and the basis of social civilization system. Unveiling ecological civilization construction which interacts with political, materialist and spiritual civilization to push social civilization development is the production when industrial civilization develops to a certain phase. The idea of ecological civilization put forward in the party's 17 report was an sublimation of scientific and harmonious development and an new development in governing and rejuvenating the country. From the era of industrialized civilization, human is blindly exploiting natural resources in a pillaged way neglecting the dynamic equilibrium in the process of economic development and natural reproduction. As a result, the basic ecological processes of natural environment and the ability of natural reproduction are destroyed. On this basis, ecological civilization as a new one has become inevitable historically. At present, there still exists the tough ecological problems which can not develop coordinately with economy in western national areas. So ecological protection and construction is an feasible task. A good legal environment is the fundamental guarantee to construct ecological civilization in western minority areas. But there are many problems in ecological law system including lacking predictability and maneuverability, amending basic environmental laws further, perfecting the structure and content of central ecological environmental laws and so on. In addition, the weakness of law system construction can't adapt to the need of ecological civilization construction in western minority areas. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current legislation of ecological environmental in our country and western minority areas aspects firstly. Then it further studies the perfection of ecological environmental laws system on the whole, and especially in western minority areas how to formulate and improve according to the reality of frailty in ecological environment and falling behind in economic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological civilization, Western nationality areas, ecological environment, law of ecological environment, law systems
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