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Research On The Construction Of The Administration Accountability System In China

Posted on:2011-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305451851Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2003 after the outbreak of the SARS crisis, in a short time a continuous and extensive investigation was conducted on the same issue to look into the responsibility of the government officials. Since then, the administration accountability system began to figure in the public eyes, which became the hot issue of China's democratic political development and government's management system reforms. As important part of the construction of China's democratic politics, the development of administration accountability highlights the progress of political civilization in China and the confidence and determination to build a democratic, responsible and law-based government, and it is a valuable exploration of the scientific outlook on development in deep-level management system and the style of governance.Originating from the West and having experienced a long-term development, modern administration accountability system has formed a complete legal system and operation mechanism. The development of China's administration accountability system cannot copy the Western model but should proceed from China's reality to establish an administration accountability system suitable for China's national conditions. From 2003 onwards, through the administration accountability storm in 2008 and then to the continuously deepening development in the last two years, China's administration accountability system is experiencing a course of being out of nothing, from error accountability to inaction accountability, from turmoil accountability to normal state accountability, from same body accountability to allergenic administration accountability, and from power accountability to rules and regulations accountability.Starting from analyzing the research status home and abroad and the relative concepts, this thesis introduces the basic elements such as the concept and connotation of administration accountability system. Then the thesis introduces the system construction practice of China's administration accountability system as well as cases of major events happening in recent years and analyzes the development trend of China's administration accountability. With "Sanlu milk powder incident" and several representative cases, the thesis elaborates the problems and hardships after implementing the administration accountability system including blurred division of government functions and powers, vacancy of administration accountability subject, underdevelopment of the accountability culture, incomplete legal system, and lack of supervision in the process of accountability and analyzes its reasons. Followed the thesis briefly introduces the major conducts of implementation in the modern Western countries and the successful experience of Hong Kong's High Officials administration accountability system since 2002. Finally, the thesis suggests the basic principles of improving China's administrative accountability system, and combining the basic reality in China it offers some advice on the improvement of the administration accountability system in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:administration responsibility, administration accountability, improvement of the route
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