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The Compiling Of Middle School Climate

Posted on:2004-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360092495085Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ma jor: General Psychology Speciality:Personality ProcessSupervisor:Prof. Huang Xiting Author:Fan Fenghui (2000100)Based on an open-ended questionnaire and interviews with some teachers and students, the study analyzed the characters of middle school climate. Together with experts' opinion and research works in this field, a preliminary school climate questionnaire that adapt to Chinese students was developed.The results are as follows:Thirteen primary factors and three secondary factors were identified through factor analysis.Split-half coefficient and internal concordance coefficient (Cronbach a coefficient) were used to test reliability of the questionnaire. Coefficient of all the factors was significant that shows the questionnaire has good internal concordance and high split-half reliability.Structure validity and content validity were used as validity index. The correlation coefficient of all the factors was moderate, which indicated good concordance in a way among the factors; the correlation coefficient between factors and the sum of questionnaire was more than 0.5,which showed all the elements fairly good reflect the content that the questionnaire aimed to survey. A confirmatory factor analysis shows further that the questionnaire has high validity.The analysis of overall, school, and sex characters of school climate mainly accord with school reality, which showed the questionnaire had high validity.All the results indicated the questionnaire had clear factor structure, good reliability and validity. It can be used to assess middle school climate .
Keywords/Search Tags:school climate, Action-Instrumental support, Action-Expressive sup-port, organizational climate, student climate, teacher, climate
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