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The Conceptions About Colleges And Universities' Admissions System Reform

Posted on:2003-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360092966581Subject:Administrative Management
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The admissions system refOrm of our national colleges and universities hasbeen considered not onIy the breach, but aIso one of the key points and biggestheadaches to the improvement of our national higher education system. As asigniflcant subject, i1 is worthy of our research efforts not only fOr its directinfluence o11 our higher edueation quality and benefits, but also for the justice andfaimess embodied in the yearly college entrance exam.Based on years of working experience and some practical problems exposed inthe process of our present higher education develupnlent and admissions system, theauthor intends to put forward some relevant and effective re1brm proposals inaccordance with the analysis and discussion on the tbllowing aspects such asenrollment planning and management systenl. entrance exam and admissionssystem, Iegal system establisdrient and so on.As far as the enrollment planning and nlanagement system is concerned, thearticle brings forth a retbrm tendency, w'hich v'e can expect, in the long run, alarge-scale increase of private schools' enrollment rate, the blending of adult andcomn1on college and universities enrollment systems. Amongst them, entranceexam system retbrIn is the most important of all. therefOre, the article fOcuses on theailalysis of cxaln lbrm alld exa1n contents, in contrast to the disadvantages in ourcurrent exmn system and successllil experiences of the '"est developed countries.With regard to exam tbrm, a module of ciyil exam organization is introduced, andthe ad1nissions approaches of the lllix of the national entrance exam andautonomous exalll has been put 1brward. As lhr exam content refOrm. the authorputs emphasis on tw'o aspects, courses design a11d exam principles. Moreover, somereform ideas are presented on how to hance the system of the "Three plus X" exammode, establishment of ethical training system and proposition principles, emphasison the assessment of students' potential abilities and so on. As for the reform ofadmission system, the tendency of the would-be autonomous admission system isdiscussed. Consequently, a brief conclusion has been summarized on how tostrengthen the legal construction of present admission system refOrm, how toestablish and improve the supervision system, etc.Generally, the ''hole process of the admission system reform is inseparablelYom the principle of "Three ad\'antages". Those inc1ude three points, firstly, infavor of talents selection tbr colleges alld uni\'ersities, secondl}, in favor of qualityeducation at the middle school stage, thirdly, ill th',or of aLItonomous right of thehigher education administration. As tbr tulents selection, two problems are involved,validity and et11cie11cy in the course of the se[ection. On one hand. the refOrmpolicies benetit tbr the selection of talellts and illtellectuaIs. On the other hand,efficiency should be taken into consideration, that is, how to fulfill the enrolImenttask o11 time in an efticient way in a densel}/-populated country. ln this case, refOrmpolicies of exam system and admission system play a key role. When the practice ofquality education is adopted, its great ittt1uence on the admission system can beexpected. Inevitably, man}' signiticant changes '"ill be involv,ed in the nationaIcollege el1trance exam. such as its forfl1, contents, principles, and the admissioncriterions. Meanwhile, autonolllous admission s}'stem has become a necessity,u-hich includes a ne\\ enrollment pl;ll1lling tl1odule, mL1Itiple exam alternatives,exanl colltellt, and admi5sioll criter1oll, a[1d its titlal decisi\e right* etc. Onl}' in this'"a}', could autol1omous admissio11 right become a rea1it}. On the other hand,colleges' right of ddn1issions lllust be bdsed un Su1ne \\-ell-designed guidiance andrefrainment, '"hich come tYorn legal cotlstruction under the protection of it, theadmission s}'stem retbrm policies ''.ill be successtiIlly carried out.When al1 Qf...
Keywords/Search Tags:colleges and universities, admission system, reform
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