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On The Practice Of Constructionism Learning Theory In Senior Biology Classroom Teaching

Posted on:2004-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the deviation of traditional teaching concepts, the traditional teaching model has a lot of drawbacks, which has brought with it a series of negative effects. It's imperative to carry out "Teaching Reform", for it aims at improve students' quality and cultivate their ability to blaze new trails. "Constructionism" is a new learning concept that will provide theory guidance for the implementation of teaching reform. This new idea has four attributes: situation, collaboration, conversation and meaning construction. Under the new learning circumstances, both roles of teachers' and students' will change greatly. As situation is one of the most important factors of the reform on biology classroom teaching, it's of great significance to create certain situation under the guidance of constructionism learning theory. In this paper, I try to make concise elaboration on this theory, introduce my own attempts on creating some certain situations in senior biology class under its guidance and take "Human Being and the Biosphere" from senior textbooks as an example to show my opinion, practice and thinking on how to employ this theory in real teaching design, organization and implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:constructionism, situation, collaboration, conversation, meaning construction
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