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Concept Construction Of Middle School Physics And A Research On The Development Of Creativity

Posted on:2006-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360152486199Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the disturbance of examination-oriented education, along with theemphasis on the single-skill development, learners' creativity is restricted instead ofbeing developed. This is the consensus of educational workers and experts. Especiallyin the subject of physics, the method of going against the content of teachingmaterials is not permitted. The new round of curriculum reform makes a newadjustment on the curriculum content, teaching method, objective system as well asthe curriculum evaluation. Meanwhile, it also puts the emphasis on the developmentof learners' creativity, recognizing that in the 21st century creativity is the keycriterion. Such beneficial environment provides possibility for the development oflearners' creativity, however, an instructive and practical approach, which adapt to thecurrent situation of China, is more urgent for the educational workers. Only in thisway can it be sublimated in the theoretical aspect, and put into practice. For a half century, the research on the development of learners' creativity has beenpopular and enormous achievements have been made, from America to Japan, even toTaiwan areas, especially in the circles of enterprises it has developed into a trend. Butthe pity is that, according to current statistics, the research on the development ofcreativity in the teaching of physical concepts is nearly blank. Physical concepts takea key role in the system of physics and make a foundation for the research of physics.Furthermore, the construction of physical concepts provides a critical point fordevelopment of learners' creativity. Since 20th century, with the development of psychology, constructivism hasbecome a theoretical school, which is popular throughout the whole world. From adifferent perspective, it re-examines idea about knowledge, teaching as well as theteacher-learner relationship. In the process of classroom construction, it focuses on thecreation of democratic, harmonious and friendly atmosphere, with the emphasis onlearners' subjectivity and initiative; relativity of knowledge; the participation ofteachers; divergence, synthesizing and flexibility of thinking. The key idea is thatknowledge is not transmitted, but the change and optimization of learners' knowledgein the constructional process. This theory is especially beneficial to the developmentof learners' creativity, not only from the conceptual aspect but also in the operationalway. This research takes a reflection on the creativity and the construction of basicconcepts, illustrates a new idea about physics, puts forward the disadvantages ofphysical concepts, and provides a new way for the development of learners' creativity.The thesis aims at the forming of a new teaching view, the changing of rigid teachingbehavior as well as providing a new way for the construction of physical concepts andthe development of learners' creativity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Physical concepts, Constrction, Constructivism, Develipment, Creativity
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