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The Perspective Of Education On College Mathematics Through The Employment Of College Graduates

Posted on:2008-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360212996695Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The college graduates are the most precious human resource of high quality. Whether the resource is schemed in a scientific and proper way is relative to the healthy development of politics, economy, science and technology and culture. They are all of the most important aspects of the modernization. The problem of the employments of college graduates is an important part in studying human resource. In recent years, the pressure on employment of university graduates is gradually increasing because of the rapid development of China's higher education and college enrollment expansion. College graduates employment is a complex social problem that involves national policy, socio-economic development, the advance and reform of the quality of higher education students and many other factors. In this paper, the author analyses the factors of improving employment competitiveness through the current employment situation and points out that the quality of employment is a key factor in competitiveness and mathematics education plays a great role on the enhancement of the human quality.In the first part of the article, the author analyses the employment structure effect on the employment of students from the grim employment situation increasingly difficult employment issue. The author brings up that the key factor which affects the employment of university students is not the permeation of the university education but the disjoint between the rapid development of society and the innovative thinking graduates. Ultimately, the quality of the graduates is the underlying factor that affects the employment.In the second part, the author mainly talks about the effect of mathematics education on the overall quality of human as a part of the education. First and foremost the author interprets the relationship between the mathematics and the modern science that involves natural science and social science. Then you have an overall impression of the university mathematics. And then the author puts forward the understanding of the quality, mathematics quality and humanistic spirit (hardworking and self-reliant attitude, the spirit of a strict and realistic scientific theory, working style of linking theory with reality, flexible and intelligent innovation).Then the author gives a detailed introduction of the impact on students in moral, intellectual and non-intelligence factors. In a word, university mathematics has three aspects: the quality of training, mental enlightenment, strengthening the will.In the third part of the article, the author thinks that strengthening mathematical modeling is a good way of improving the mathematics education. In this part, the author points out the problems that exist in college math education. And then the author gives a detailed introduction about the mathematical modeling impact on innovative thinking which contains a definition of innovation. The author emphasizes the role of mathematical modeling in improving the overall quality of the students.In the fourth part of the paper , the author summarizes the role that the mathematics plays in improving human quality as a discipline and a kind of spirits. Many universities pay more attention to the mathematics modeling. People must not only have a certain amount of knowledge and ability, but also to strengthen the ideological and moral education, creative ability. Times changing puts forward new requirements. University mathematics education is an important part of school education. We recognize that the University mathematics curriculum is not only important in scientific values but also rich in human values. National economic construction and the building of spiritual civilization will make a breakthrough if the university mathematics education is improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education on mathematics, Quality, Mathematical modeling
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