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Features Of The Local Economy And Development Strategy Of Vocational Education

Posted on:2008-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360242466596Subject:Vocational and Technical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the evolution of the era and development of the economy, a developing country as ours, which has vast area but with uneven development, rich resources but with unbalanced exploration, and a very large population but with big difference in culture traits, is faced with severe challenges all the time. The world economy is undergoing enormous transition to a new era and the myth invented by Bill Gates shows the advent of the era of "economy based on information and knowledge". The fast growth of the global economy should be largely attributed to the contribution of the knowledge, which has become the most important momentum and resources to the economic development. The receiver of the vocational education in a specific region will play a direct and intimate role in the economic development of the area due its special features of the economy mainly resulted from the development based on the conditions of the area. As the industry of modern service will be the priority of the economic development in Changning District the emphasis of the vocational education in the district should be on the training of the personnel for the industry. The vocational education, both for those to be employed and those already employed, should be implemented in light of the economic development of the area. Requirement of the local economy should be clarified, right strategy adopted, and best use of the resources made of. The vocational education of the district should grow in this way. The dissertation includes six sections.Chapter 1. Introduction: The background for the research is presented together with the motivation and the significance. Basic concepts are defined and the tasks and approach of the research discussed.Chapter 2. Interaction between vocational education and regional development: The interaction and mutual promotion between local economy and vocational education is discussed. The development of the local economy requires a full play of the role by the vocational education, and the vocational education has to adapt itself to the economic development and make a good use of the resources in the region to provide high quality education for the area and to ensure the best human resources for the local economy.Chapter 3. Development and trends of the local economy in Changning District: An overview of the economic development in Changning District in recent years, the current states and the characteristics of the industry of modern service on which the priority has been laid, is made in the chapter.Chapter 4. The requirement on vocational education imposed by the local economy in Changning District: The status of the vocational education in Changning District is reviewed. The requirement on the vocational education, in respect of quantity, quality, contents and structure of majors, teachers and resources, reorganization of resources, etc, in light of the development of modern service to contribute to the converting Changning District into a "digital Changning" and "an international community", is presented.Chapter 5. The strategy of enabling vocational education to best serve the needs of the industry of modern service in Changning's local economy: The right strategy to meet the requirement on vocational education is proposed in light of the requirement and the current state and conditions of the vocational education in the district.Conclusion: It is universally accepted that education is the foundation of development, of economy, and of science and technology, and it is true all around the world and from old times to the future. The role that vocational education plays in local economy and its influence on a nation and on a country has long been proved in developed areas such Europe, United States and Japan. Since the focus of the local economy in Changning District is put on the modern service, all the sections of the vocational education, as an important part of the education of the region, whether for the employed or to be employed, should be developed in light of the requirement of the local economy. Majors that are most needed should be developed. The education mode that can serve the purpose best should be implemented. The existing resources of teacher and equipment should be re-organized. The scope of the .education should enlarged. The efficiency with which schools are used should be raised. The quality of the training and the training organization should be improved. And, with all those being achieved, the ranking status of vocational education in the society will be greatly enhanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vocational Education, local Economy, Industry of Modern Service, Strategy
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