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Research On Emotional Moral Education In Universities

Posted on:2011-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360305978148Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Universities have been devoting much effort to enhance the pragmatically of moral education so as to cultivate students of moral excellence. However they emphasize on the moral cognition and neglect the cultivation of moral feeling at present. Thus the subject aims at the moral education of emotion, which refers to the educational process of developing the individual moral feeling, so that it will put forward the valuable guiding theory of moral education for Chinese colleges. The thesis has three parts:The first part stresses on analyzing the concepts of emotional moral education and moral feeling. It first discusses the process of moral education, which develops the individual moral feeling. Then it points out its content and summarizes its features, theoretical foundation, function and mechanism, which will provide the theoretical foundation for constructing emotional moral education.The second part mainly analyzes the current situation of moral feeling in colleges. Based on its experience, it reveals the existing principal problems, reflects upon them, points out the characteristics of it from contemporary college students and analyzes the causes of such problems, which are the key point to its construction.The third part puts forward new mode for moral education in colleges from its principles, targets, strategies and ways. First it should follow the scientific principle: respecting the needs of subjects, basing on"feeling—experience", interacting and promoting the emotion and cognition. Then it sets the scientific and reasonable goals: strengthening the elementary social emotion, developing the strong sense of society, and shaping the personality of university students. At last, guided by the inner mechanism of moral feeling, it raises some efficient ways to strengthen it, which are expected to play the active role in moral education of universities.In fact the subject needs more exploring and supplement. And it will surely heighten its effect only by building the scientific and reasonable objective system, forming the complete mechanism of moral feeling, making good use of traditional moral emotion from the national culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:emotional moral education, actualities analysis, implementation ways
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