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Decent Work: The Ethical Criticism Of Labor

Posted on:2007-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J MaFull Text:PDF
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This paper focuses on the ethical paradox of the disparity between the nobility of labor and the humbleness of laborers that has perplexed the humankind so far. Primitive labor, enslaval labor, forced labor, employed labor and self-determinative labor are the different forms of labor at different stages of the society. Karl Marks suggested it was the labor with freedom and awareness as a human being that demonstrated best the essence of the ethics of labor."Decent Work", a slogan advanced by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in response to the labor problems under the background of the rapid development of economic globalization, is to promote opportunities for men and women to obtain decent and productive work, on conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. The equality of personality and the increase of property for laborers are the two ethical foundations of decent work, and they also provide the basis for the realization of decent work in theory and practice. Decent work is the work of health and safety, the work of dignity, the work of rights, and the work of self-realization. The Chinese government responds actively and fully supports the idea of"Decent Work"advanced by ILO. Protection on the interests of laborers with the right of work as its core and promotion of social security with the dignity of human beings as its core are the two fundamental requests for the implementation of decent work in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:labor, ethics of labor, decent work, criticism
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