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Study On Private Enterprise Harmonious Labor Relations Under Decent Work Perspective

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503974152Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The flourish of private enterprise in Shaanxi Province, absorbed a large num ber of urban and rural surplus labor. It has made outstanding contributions for Social stability and economic development.However, This is a golden developme nt period of private economic, also a highlights period of private labor relations.“Strong capital, weak labor”, “absence of social security”, “short-term labor cont racts” problems have became increasingly prominent. Labor relations appeared as a private entrepreneur-dominated labor relations of inequality.This article adopts the method of Literature analysis、questionnaire、descriptive statistical and so on,under the perspective of decent work,takes the private enterprise as the analysis object, takes the basic principles of Marxism "people-oriented" and "labor relations theory" as a guide. First, features private labor relations Shaanxi Province and harmonious labor relations and conducts comparative analysis, through extensive research scholars proposed labor relations factors, On this basis,, selected factors in Shaanxi Province under private labor relations selected decent employment "social dialogue", "social protection", "job security", "right to maintain" four goals dimension. Secondly, by designing and issuing Shaanxi private questionnaire under decent labor relations perspective, makes empirical investigation of private sector labor relations in construction, retail and service industries, such as labor disputes frequent industry dominated 11 industry of Shaanxi,with descriptive statistical analysis to dig out five class of problems and their causes the private sector labor relations of Shaanxi decent employment. Finally, with four goals and decent employment cause analysis of existing problems to give specific suggestions of how to build a harmonious labor relations in Shaanxi.The innovative points include:(1) Under the perspective of dencent work, based on four objectives to be achieved decent employment, divided into four dimensions of the private sector labor relations studies in Shaanxi, analysis the factors and problems of the private enterprise labor relations of Shaanxi;(2) On the basis of extensive study of factors affecting labor relations and foreign scholars on the proposed, redefine the harmonious labor relations factors under decent employment perspective and the meaning of harmonious labor relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:private enterprise, decent work, labor relation
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