With the economic globalization and rapid development of technology, competition between corporations has been changed into supply chains. Supply chain and supply chain management have obtained more and more attention from corporations and scholars. Supply chain performance measurement is a important part of supply chain management. Because traditional corporation performance measurement system isn't fit for supply chain performance measurement any more, and actual supply chain performance measurement systems are still need to be improved.This paper pursues a research on a new system of supply chain performance measurement. The results of this paper are as follows:Firstly, the concept of supply chain and supply chain management were summarized, and then the definition of the performance measurement, the difference between supply chain performance measurement and corporation performance measurement, as well as the principle of supply chain performance measurement were all mentioned. This paper studied some important supply chain performance measurement system (such as SCOR and supply chain balanced scorecard model),.some supply chain performance measurement methods was introduced, such as analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy evaluation model and DEA.Secondly,After explaining the reason that choicing DEA to measure supply chain performance in this paper, consumption-output supply chain performance measurement system was established based on DEA. This system frame measures supply chain performance from two angles: consumption and output. Consumption index included three factors: cost, time and personnel.Output index included three factors: flexibility, financial status and service level. Measuring supply chain performance from whole and efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain were emphasized. Index system was established based on that model.The 12 indexes are direct cost, overhead cost,dealing cost,lead time, employee quantity, production flexibility, volume flexibility, sale, profit, delivery on time rates, order fill rates and perfect order fulfillment. The C 2R and BC 2 model was used to calculate the whole efficiency valueθ, technical efficiency valueV and scale efficiency valueQof supply chain. Super-efficiency DEA model was used to rank the supply chain with DEA efficiency and a case was measured. This study solves two problems by introducing K-cone and W-cone model when we use C 2R... |