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Analysis Of The Economic Benefits Of Technological Progress Of High-Tech Industry

Posted on:2007-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Technology innovation is no longer simply rely on laboratory knowledge accumulation, but on promoting large-scale industrialization. The rapid development of high-tech industry, not only for China's economic and social development have a significant impact, but also in the promotion of a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of great significance.The high-tech industry and the economic benefits of science and technology progress is the object of our paper. Science and technology progress and economic benefits are two independent, complex system.They are consist of two indepent index system.S&T contribution rate is mainly reflct the economic benefits of science and technology progress. In the basis of the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress,I'm use two representative indexs and the non-parameter regression to research scientific and technological progress and economic benefits.In this paper, Chapter one is mainly the economic benefits of scientific and technological progress of the research methods are summarized. Chapter two is mainly the discriminate and description of statistical analysis of High-tech and high-tech industries.Chapter three is mainly compute the S&T contribution rate of the high-tech industry. Chapter four is the best mainly of this paper. First introduced some non-parameter regression methods, followed the use of the funding strength of R & D and the financial profitability are described in scientific and technological progress and economic benefits, the final use of the nuclear estimates, the local linear estimates and the orthogonal series estimates to make regression separately.Chapter five, Conclusions.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech industries, Scientific and technological progress, Economic Benefits, Solow residual Method, Non-parameters Regression
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