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Study On The Quality Cost Management Based On Modern Management Methods

Posted on:2009-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GongFull Text:PDF
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During market economics, enterprises take excellent products and service as the strategy of living and development in the fierce competition. So,the quality of products becomes the focal point of both producers and comsumers. Enterprises not only improve the quality of products and enhance their fame to increase their competitiveness but also combine the quality,cost and profit organically to obtain the most profit. Therefore, enterprises must strengthen quality cost management.Meeting the need of quality management, the research and application of quality cost management are being paid more attention to.This article makes research on three typical modern management methods, that are total quality management, ISO9000 and six sigma management. On one hand , this article compares the concept ,relations and differences of the above three management methods to find their same and different traits. According to these traits, we hope to provide good information to enterprises to help them apply quality cost management . On the other hand, this article makes study on the influnces of modern management methods with traditional quality cost management in management concept , quality cost concept as well as quality cost models. Through these study , this article concludes that modern management methods take dynamic and competitive concept more seriously. According to this ,we hope to provide some lessons to help enterprises nowadays to regulate their concept and method in the process of quality cost management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality Cost Management, Total Quality Management, ISO9000, Six Sigma Management
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