On the expertise view, the research was used the compared researching method, to find the potential reasons of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition for college-student/entrepren-eurial novice/expert). It was to solve three problems,①what is the difference that the opport-unity recognition item characters among the novice/the expert/college-student?②what is difference that the cognition process of opportunity recognition among the novice/the expert /college-student?③what is the mechanism of the factors affecting the opportunity recogni-tion?With these questions, based on the affecting factors for opportunity recognition and the cognitive character of the expert, the novice and the college-student who want to conduct entrepreneurship, it was to do a series of research.Study 1,20 experts, new and college students were interviewed, using qualitative analysis and group decision to quantize the result, then factor analysis and variance analysis were employed to get the factors and group differences. The results shows as following,①After the comparison research of the three groups, it shows that, the motive of expert is for the available resource, that of the news is for the individual pressure, and that of college students is for ability practicing.②It exists difference in the items character of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition among them, the expert incline to get the information and the profit, that of the new is for unique of products and individual hobby, and that of the college student is opaque, they have no clear cognition.③Finally, the study got a premier conclusion, there is difference in cognitive process of opportunity recognition among them, the cognitive process of the expert is, while that of the new and the student is series.Study 2, combining with the results of the interview and the theory, and exploring factor analysis of 208 pieces of the questionnaires, entrepreneurial intention questionnaire and entre-preneurial opportunity identification questionnaire were obtained. The mechanism affect-ing the entrepreneurial opportunity identification was analyzed by multi-regression analysis method. The result shows as following,①Four factors first-order model of entrepreneurial intention, includes achievement motivation, risk taking, independence and autonomy, self-efficacy. We can also obtain five factors first-order model of entrepreneurial opportunity identification, including unique-ness, information consulting, profit gaining, personal tendency, potential market.②Gradually forcing multiple regression method was used to analyze how demography variance and three affecting variance(entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial alertness and the existed knowledge) affect entrepreneurial opportunity identification, the result show-ed that entrepreneurial alertness had more influence.The study 1 and study 2 were contacted with each other, and combining the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, further understanding the nature of entrepreneurial opport-uneity identification, meanwhile, directing the college-student who is on the entrepreneurial way and the organizations who encourage college student to conduct entrepre-neurial career. |