Today, it is more and more important of science and technology. Every country in the world all regard science and technology progress as economic development. Along with the technological economic integration of the deepening of China's economic growth, the contributions enhances constantly. Due to the development of science and technology has been greatly improved, the cost of scientific activities is rising. To all areas of scientific research, and maintain comprehensive competitive advantage, even for developed countries, its economy is unable to bear it. In view of this, it is necessary to strengthen the research on technological input-output efficiency. In input and output efficiency of science and technology, elements plays an essential role. Based on input and output efficiency of science and technology, there has been a strange circle in hebei province. That is more input capability and less output capability. Research on input and output efficiency of science and technology in Hebei province, it is helpfull to allocation the science and technology resources, and to promote scientific decision-making, and to improve the regional innovative capacity and sustainable development.As the research object of input and output efficiency of science and technology in hebei province, using the endogenous growth theory, system engineering theory and analysis method, established evaluation of technological input-output efficiency index system. And the provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions were evaluated horizontally. In hebei nearly seven years of development, the longitudinal evaluation were carried out too. Using group evaluation, we made further study on human investment, financial investment, material investment. According to the evaluation results, we points out existing advantage and deficiency in hebei province.And the existing problems were analyzed and the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to to solve the problem. In order to clear what factors influence the efficiency value, we researched using regression and correlation analysis method. Finally, the problems on input and output efficiency of science and technology in hebei province were thoroughly analyzed, and pertinently a series of feasible countermeasures and Suggestions were put forward. |