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The Conflict Caused By The Cross-cultural Advertising Research

Posted on:2008-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper adopts relevant cross-cultural communication theories. Based on the culture differences between west and east as well as its influence on advert effect, it elaborates the possible misunderstandings and conflicts occurring in the process of cross-cultural advert communication.Advert is actually a kind of cultural phenomenon. The common culture background is the keynote for a successful advert communication. In current information time, with more and more multinational corporations emerging, the cross-cultural adverts will definitely become the mainstream. The research methods include case analysis and contrast analysis. Its main theory is Hofstede's Dimension of Cultural Variability. There are several advert cases in this paper.By analyzing these adverts that cause misunderstandings, the author learns the conclusion that cultural differences are the main cause for those misunderstandings.Although most of the adverts the author mentioned in this paper are of the western enterprises, it still works for Chinese enterprises, especially in today's economic globalization environment. Chinese enterprises should propose their own brands, during which adverts play an essential role. Therefore, this paper could be of some practical meaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-cultural Communication, Problem Ads, Standardization, Localization
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