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A Study On ADK Equipment Turn-key Project Of TL Company Cross-Cultural Communication Conflicts

Posted on:2021-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330626459449Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,Chinese government is advocating the one belt and one road initial.It encourages the advanced technology and surplus capacity to go abroad.Many Chinese company are grasping this good policy to go abroad.However,the one belt one road initial brings them the new opportunities,as well as new challenges.On the one hand,these companies can continue to expand their market share,increase their revenue and enhance its international level;on the other hand,the cross-cultural communication problems they encountered in the process of going abroad are always lingering in their daily operation.This thesis takes the ADK project of TL company as a case study.During the life time of ADK projects,it has the conflicts for communication methods,laws and regulations,behaviors,management methods,and how to solve the problems.These conflicts delayed the whole process of project and increased the cost of TL company in this project.It got the TL company,TL company subsidiary and the end customer headache.This thesis applies the communication theory,cultural dimension of Hofstede and project management methods to analyze the conflicts of cross-cultural communication happened in the ADK project.The main structure of this paper is divided into six parts.The first part is the introduction,it mainly introduces the purpose,the significance,the research subject,the logical relationship and the research methods for this thesis.The second part is literature review,it summarizes the basic concepts used in this thesis.It mainly studied the previous researches from three aspects: project management,project communication management,and cross-cultural communication,which provides the fundamental theory and guidance for the analysis.The third part is the case description,it introduces the TL company,TL company’s products,and the communication conflicts happened in the life time of ADK project.They are the conflicts of communication methods,laws and regulations,behaviors,management methods,and how to solve the problems.The fourth part is the case analysis,the main content is the use of cultural dimension theory and the communication theory to analyze the communication conflicts happened in the life time of ADK project.It found the cross-cultural awareness,the weak of cross-cultural knowledge,the less of feedback are the reasons to cause the above conflicts.The fifth part is recommendations of cross-cultural communication: TL company should establish its cross-cultural awareness,enhance its cross-cultural training,establish conflict feedback mechanism and optimize its project management.The sixth part is the outlook of the future research and conclusion.As going abroad is just popular recent years,there are few researches for private companies,it is hard to find guidance.This thesis provides an idea to the private companies like TL company on how to manage the cross-cultural conflicts in the process of going abroad.The main conclusion is that the TL company must establish its employee’s cross-cultural communication consciousness,strengthen cross-cultural training strength and depth,and establish the feedback mechanism of the cross-cultural conflicts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-Cultural Communication, Communication Conflicts, Cultural Dimension Theory, Cross-cultural Communication Consciousness, Conflict Feedback Mechanism
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