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Case Study On Cross-cultural Communication And Management Of Dalian Branch Of Corporation A

Posted on:2018-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536961779Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economic globalization,the number of branches of multinational corporations is increasing worldwide,at the same time the internal and external conflicts and contradictions caused by cultural differences are gradually emerging as well.Since the economic power of the branches is growing,using headquarters’ culture to control other regions is not practical any more.Effective cross-cultural communication and management could help multinational corporations solve the problems which are caused by cultural differences.Being acknowledged with host countries’ culture and admitting the existence of cultural differences,will lead multinational corporations to create appreciate cross-cultural management methods,which will improve their power of cohesion and competition.By referring to the theories of Cultural dimension and Cross-cultural communication and management,this paper analyzes the specific problems emerged in Dalian Branch of corporation A.With the method of case studies,and based on the analysis in terms of culture differences,lack of mutual value,inefficient communication models,it points the root reason of these conflicts.Combining with the theories,it provides the suggestions as: firstly,understand and respect cultural differences,strive to establish mutual corporate value;secondly,consider external condition such as the economic environment and market in host countries along with their internal aspects to build an excellent cross-cultural team;Thirdly,identify the defects in the process of effective communication and keep improving persistently to adopt the changes.The cross-cultural communication and management problems which are mentioned in Dalian Branch of corporation A represents the troubles that many multinational corporations are confronting presently.In this paper,the process of analysis does not only demonstrate how to clarify root reasons for corporation A,the suggestions also provides certain references to other multinational corporations in terms of resolution for cross-cultural conflicts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multinational Corporation, cultural difference, Cross-cultural communication, Cross-cultural management
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