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A Study On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Urban Community Cooperative Governance In

Posted on:2017-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330503982943Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After nearly 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s market economy has gradually improved, not only to promote the prosperity of the economic level of prosperity, but also led to the rapid changes in the social level.City community residents in China’s rising living standards, their interests also showed the importance of diversification trend of community function was further reflected, paid attention to by the government and the whole society.As an important foundation of government administrative planning, the governance of urban community is directly related to the realization of the goal of urban social control and social innovation.Chongqing urban community collaborative governance is still in its infancy, for Chongqing urban community co governance issues and to search for in-depth study of Chongqing urban community multi governance main body, public products supply and demand diversification, community functions such as social development trend, promote the governance body functional integration, governance subject resource aggregation, governance body joint action, and ultimately the formation of governance together, the Chongqing urban community collaborative governance objectives.This paper defines the core concepts of urban community, collaborative governance and urban community collaborative governance, reference community governance theory and collaborative governance governance theory, using literature analysis method, comparative study method and case analysis method, describes the basic situation of Chongqing urban community governance, summarizes the main features of Chongqing urban community governance, discussion on the trend of changes of Chongqing urban community governance, share the Chongqing urban community collaborative governance problems and reasons, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems.The specific content of this paper is as follows: Chapter one, introduction. It is a concrete introduction to the study of this paper. For the follow-up study lay the foundation for it explains the reason of the topic, and puts forward the research problem, review and evaluation of domestic and foreign relevant research literature and practice situation, then introduces the research ideas, methods, content and frame arrangement of. The second chapter, the concept and theoretical basis. The urban community, collaborative governance, urban community collaborative governance concepts are explained, on community governance theory and collaborative governance theory of the appropriate sort, understand the social management system of innovation, improve the significance of social governance where. The third chapter, Chongqing urban community governance status and change trend analysis. The change trend of urban community governance in Chongqing is to realize the transformation from management to governance. In order to realize this transformation, we must take the way of cooperative governance. The fourth chapter, the problem and reason analysis of cooperative governance of urban community in Chongqing. Through the three districts of South Bank of Chongqing, Yuzhong, Dazu urban community collaborative governance practice to compare the analysis of Chongqing urban community collaborative governance of the main problems in the governance subject integration function, resource aggregation, action combined with three level and causes of the problem analysis. The fifth chapter, the countermeasures and suggestions of Chongqing urban community collaborative governance. According to the problems existing in the governance of the city of Chongqing community collaborative by starting from the three dimensions of concept, system, path, specific to the three levels of government, social organizations, residents began to put forward countermeasures and suggestions, to form a governance body functional integration, aggregation of resources, joint action to achieve collaborative governance. The sixth chapter, conclusion and prospect. Summarize the content of this paper, and put forward some problems to be solved and studied further.Urban community collaborative governance is with interdisciplinary research field, is a very new research topic currently in sociology or political science perspective to study, based on the public management science for view of the center to conduct a comprehensive study is still very limited, based on multiple governance subjects how to form governance together, to community governance theory and the theory of synergetic governance based of government, social organizations, residents and other governance subject how to play their respective functions to achieve functional integration, aggregation of resources, joint action, promote the realization of the collaborative governance of. The current domestic agreed that urban community collaborative governance has the necessity and feasibility of the implementation, from different perspectives to find a breakthrough and put forward the corresponding policy recommendations, but many of these selected from the three aspects of governance function, resources and action in which a layer of, discussion is not comprehensive enough, this paper from three aspects started research, in some degree to fill the change research vacancy or inadequate. The problem is reflected in the although broadens the scope of the study, but specific research is not deep enough, leads to the conclusion that the inevitable existence some limitations, affirmed the effectiveness of policy recommendations is also to be test.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Community, Community Collaborative Governance, Governance Resultant Force
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