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Tianjin Eco-city Construction Model Discussed

Posted on:2002-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032953185Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecocity is the embodiment of sustainable development theory in the process ofreconsttucting a city It is a new concept and the research of ecocity has alreadystarted. Tianin put forward the idea of making Tianjin an ecocity in the cityprogramming in l996 and in 2001 Tianjin makes ecocity the purpose of thedevelopment of the city in the "Fifteen" programming. This paPer firstly explains theconcept the characteristics and the major patterns of ecocity. Then this paper assessesthe status quo of building ecocity in Tianjin that began in 1996 by two ways: one isqualitative analysis, the other is quantitative analysis. This paper adopts a model thatfits the characterstics of Tianin to draw a conclusion about the city ecosystem and theindictors involve economy society and environment. From What has been done abovewe can find the problems of the city Combining with the advantages of Tianjin, at lastthe paPer makes Extroversion Economy Ecocity as the pattem of ecocity in Tianinand brings forward feasible measures to make Tianjin fulfill this goal and become afamous metropolis in the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecocity, Sustainable development, assessment, the pattern ofecocity, feasible measure
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