Shanghai second curriculum reform had been in full swing, the basic idea wasto students’ development of new for this, adhere to the all-round development ofstudents, pay attention to the healthy development of students’ personality andsustainable development. For high school course, increased the demand for scientificinquiry ability, emphasize the "high school physics course, should pay moreattention to students in the process of science inquiry learning quality, further deepenthe understanding of scientific inquiry, improve the ability of scientific in"quiry. Thescience inquiry here mainly refered to thinking skills. In the physics teaching,therefore, cultivate innovative, divergent thinking ability talents becomed a toppriority.According to the theory of physics teaching achievement, ability; Heavy, ofteaching concept, the law of light to explore, in this paper, based on the theoryof divergent thinking, combining with the characteristics of high school studentsand the characteristics of high school physics course, puted forward theimplementation of divergent thinking in physics teaching in high school teaching,aimed to cultivate students’ innovation ability, in order to enhance students’ interestand initiative of students, learning strategies, to promote the high school physicsnew curriculum teaching reform to provide some experience.In this paper, using literature method, experimental method, questionnairemethod, statistical methods, such as the divergent thinking for quantitative researchand qualitative research. Mainly from the physical body research of divergentthinking, high school physics teaching to cultivate students’ divergent thinking inteaching research, the implementation of the high school physics teaching to cultivatestudents, divergent thinking strategy research, high school physics teaching researchexperiments to cultivate student,s divergent thinking and so on four aspects. Toexplore the implementation of high school physics teaching of divergent thinkingcan promote students in physics learning, learning attitude and interest, study thecondition of subjectivity and learning strategy from four aspects. On the basis of consulting a large number of literature, on the basic theoryof physical divergent thinking, basic principles, basic conditions, obstacles suchas theory, this paper discussed four aspects; Combined with specific of divergentthinking in teaching practice, this topic research on high school physics textbooksin the charge of interaction, the action of magnetic ifeld on the current twoknowledge application of divergent thinking teaching, case analysis during theexperiment, on the physical performance of the students in experimental class andcontrast class, learning, learning interest, learning subjectivity strategy four aspectsthe score using SPSS software for analysis.Through3months of teaching practice in physics teaching implementation ofdivergent thinking in the process of teaching, improved the students’ physicalperformance, improved the student’s interest in physics learning and formed apositive learning attitude. For students understanding of their subject position, theimprovement of students’ learning strategy was very effective. Therefore, divergentthinking teaching in high school physics teaching, to cultivate the stud’entsinnovation ability had certain effect. |