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Research On Teaching Model Of Mathematical Concept Class In Middle School Based On Target Teaching Method

Posted on:2016-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330476454515Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taking the advantage of China’s current effort to vigorously develop its vocational education, this thesis of math concept teaching aims to test the validity of Objective Teaching Method(OTM) in secondary vocational schools’ math education through investigating the existing problems so as to arouse the students’ interest in learning math, promote their motivation and confidence in this regard.The study consists of the following aspects: 1) a survey of the subjects’ math learning situation at Diqing Ethnic Vocational School, in which psychological and cognitive elements affecting math learning are analyzed; 2) designs of OTM model of math concept teaching and relative evaluation approaches based on previous studies and rationales; 3) an experiment which is supposed to verify the hypothesis, and 4) a discussion of OTM model’s advantages and suggestions for further studies.Major findings of the research are as follows: 1)It is urgent for secondary vocational schools to reform their current math education; 2)Non- intellective elements remain the major factors that impact students’ math learning in secondary vocational school. 3)The OTM model has been proved effective for the subjects in math concept teaching.This study is supposed to provide some pedagogical implications for math teachers in vocational schools. However, due to the limitations of my knowledge, there must be some imperfect parts that need improving in further studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Math concepts, OTM, Teaching model, Non-intellective factors, Evaluation
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