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Classroom Teaching, Teachers' Leading Role In The Initial Preparation Of A Measurement Tool

Posted on:2002-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360032954363Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the basis of the results of the previous study, this study defines teacher-leading-role as follows: teacher-leading-role is to mobilize students' autonomy consciousness to play students' autonomy role and to develop students autonomy; neither does teacher take on what ought to be done by students, nor teacher decide everything for students; teacher couldn't give up the guiding essential for students' learning and Let students alone try and explore blindly in the learning process.Students' evaluations of teacher-teaching-leading-role can provide diagnostic feedback to faculty, which will be useful for teachers to enhance teaching skills and for students to improve learning effectiveness. Moreover, this study investigated the relationship between individual variables ( e. g. sort of school, sex, classification of subject, teaching career, educational background and duty) and teacher-leading-role so that we could provide some theoretical and practical basis for training, selecting and managing of teachers.This research is to sun up representative items of the questionnaire by investigating 114 middle school leaders through opening questionnaire. Based on the results of an open-ended questionnaire and overviews of former researches, this study forms the teacher-teaching-leading-role questionnaire.This study is to investigate secondary students by adopting a self-madeK"teacher-teaching-leading-role questionnaire". The first step is pretest, which is to delete item due to low relation to the whole questionnaire score by investigating 102 secondary students.On the second step, this study is to investigate 1004 secondary students from six middle school in Quan Thou, Fujian and they are to evaluate 61 middle school teachers. The second step is formal test, which is to construct a format teacher-teaching-leading-role questionnaire of high reliability and validity through the exploratory factor analysis of the formal test results, and to investigate the relationship between teacher individual variables and teacher-teaching-role.The results showed:(1)The self-made instrument has good reliability and fair validity.(2)The secondary students' evaluations contains three dimensions: the guiding on organization and superintendence in the class activities teaching method playing teacher-leading-roles teachers' behavioral traits advantageous to playing teacher-leading-role.(3)"High teacher-teaching-leading-role" and "Low teacher-teaching-leading-role" teachers can be well distinguished by the instrument.(4)Difference in sex~ teaching career~ classification of subject and sort of school for students' evaluations of teacher-teaching-leading-role are not significant.(5)Difference in educational background and duty for students' evaluations of teacher-teaching-leading-role are quite different. The level Of teacher-teaching-leading-role of a teacher whose educational background is training school course is distinctly higher than that of a teacher whose educational background is regular college course. The level of teacher-teaching-leading-role of a teacher in charge of a class is distinctly higher than that of a teacher who teaches only.
Keywords/Search Tags:secondary student, evaluate class teaching, teacher-leading-role
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