The middle and long distance running has existed for more than a hundredyears, which has experienced several periods f the continuous training period(1 896-l9l2), natural training period (1913-1930), Fartlek period (1931 -1940),intermittent training period (1 941 - 1960), high-land training period (1971 - 1 980)and comprehensive training period (1981.). In 1960, the comprehensivetraining was proved in Intemational Coach Meeting. While in our country someexperts think that the low level of the comprehensive training in the midd1e andlong distance of training is the obstacle to improvement. After conducting theresearch by documenis training experiment, statistic and comparative ana1yses,and so on. We get the conclusion that "the combinative training method" ismore fit for the middle and long distance running.The runners of middle and 1ong distance need "high velocity and stamina ".From the point of energetic nature, the energy needed is produced by thecombination of ATP-CP system, glycolysis system and aerobic metabolismsystem, which axe needed to improve the energetic system of athlete sweepingly.Middle and long distance rurming training should be based on the mu1tiplestr'Ucture of specia1 abi1ity and mechanism of energy metabolism. Combinativetraining can just meet this kind of need and put all kinds of effective elementsinto training. It values the importance to improvement of the whole strength. Inthe training, according to the runners' training periods, athletic levels, and so on,we can select and arrange the training methods properly and scientifically inorder to gain the best training effect. Single training method is to use onetraining method and only to develop one energy system. It includes thecontinuous training method, interval training method, Fartlek method andrepeating method, etc. The comprehensive level is low. ThIough the comparisonand ana1ysis of the two training methods, we get the conclusion thatcombinative training method is more effective than sing1e training method.Then we put the conclusion into practice. Take the middle and long distancerunners of Shan Dong normal university fOr examp1e. Using the sing1e trainingmethod and combinative training method in 1998 and l999 separately, In theprocess of training, the Physical guidelines were collected and heart rates wereused to control the training. The statistics were used to handle the guideline.The results show that: combinative training method is more effective thansingle training method in enhancing the grades of run-ners and the distinct isobvious. Which prove that the combinative training method is more effectivethan single training method not on1y in practice but in theory, is more fit tbr thetendency of modem training and is an ideal training method. There are someadvantages of it. it is easy to make the ath1etes excited and active, enhance theintegrated strength effectively and ensure the physical fibre developmentsweepingly and emphatically. It can result in the output of potentia1ity andcultivate the athlete comprehensively. In a word, the combinative of all kinds oftraining methods is the tendency of modern training of middle and long distancerunLning. |