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The Rule Of Law As The Domain Of Mass Incidents And Police Professionalism

Posted on:2012-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YuFull Text:PDF
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This article from the restatement of the basic theory of group incidents began, followed by group discussed the meaning of events,the occurrence and characteristics of Interpretation, and then leads the group of events associated with the rule of law, the internal model, the rule of law that deal with mass incidents. Then below that the rule of law and not for the formalism of group theory provide incident response support, and communication rather the rule of law doctrine should fit with the group events, communication, protection of human rights the rule of law doctrine, Care for their own theory of legal legitimacy, the political state and civil society interaction between two and a variety of legal subjects to discuss sexual behavior for the group practice of incident response tools to provide a theoretical rationalization and standardization of legal norms. Mass communication and incident response must choose the rule of law doctrine. Restatement of the academic through existing groups,the basic theory of the incident response program and pointed out the problems, pointed out the group events reconstructed with the rule of law should deal with the corresponding mass incidents necessity and importance of the program. Public security organs in response to community-based events in the direct enforcement,and the identity of the policemen as the author, the paper pointed out that the group of public security should respond to the main program on the reconstruction of the overall sense of the mass incident response program illustrates an important meaning. Restatement of the academic through both the main group of the public security incident response program and that its theory of the problem, pointed out the group events reconstructed with the rule of law in the appropriate response to the main group of public security incident response program necessity and importance of. Then, the specific subject of discussion groups, public security incidents response to the reconstruction program."Law not only self-sufficient,"Public Security Organs Deal Events reconfiguration scheme based on the professionalism of the police have a high default on the basic, but the reality of the professional quality of police on the whole does not fully match Reconstruction of the program's default, Therefore, in our country as a whole and enhance the quality of police occupational training model to improve the quality of police professionalism is indeed necessary. Police to enhance the overall professional quality will help the public security organs in the response to the fundamental group of the event level of the rule of law, public security organs Deal with the rule of law in the event will in turn raise the level of professionalism to promote the upgrading of the police. Therefore, the two will form a complementary loop system. Restatement of the academic through the professionalism of the existing police training model and point out the problem, which largely ignored the public security organs Deal with professional quality events on the special requirements of police and rule of law is basically a forgotten concept of the professional quality of police normative guidelines for power,that the police professionalism construction of the special need for training mode,this particular model will work with the police professionalism model the formation of the general culture of professionalism of our police training mode two dollars. Professionalism of the special police training model including:police professionalism in the design of human rights awareness training tasks,the police professionalism in the academic culture of the police power of thinking design,the police professionalism in the academic culture of communication design. Reflection is important that the professional quality of police training and quality of police training,not only in the above model introduced in the classroom and the academic content but also in the police response to incidents of mass is more important to practice with.
Keywords/Search Tags:group incidents, the rule of law that deal with mass incidents, the identity of the policemen
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