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A Study On Development Strategy Of China Medical Social Work

Posted on:2013-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of our country economy, the medical and health system reform, thetension of physician-patient relationship, the change of medical model and the construction of greatsocial work personnel, the medical social work needs to be vigorously developed. According to thesurvey on the current situation of medical social work system construction in the national health systemin2007, at present, our country is still in the initial stage of medical social work system construction,the development of medical social work is still faced with many problems and challenges.Reborn action--national operation rehabilitation program for children with cleft lip and palate ofpoverty families, referred to as reborn action, which is a large-scale cooperation public project ofMinistry of civil affairs of the People's Republic of China and the Li Ka Shing Foundation carried outacross the country. The sub-project of Reborn action-" social psychological service program of rebornaction "was carried out to conduct medical social work for families which have patients with cleft lipand palate, providing them with psychological and social support. Social psychological service programof reborn action use the perspective of advantages, the resilience theory, cognitive and behavioral theory,to carry out parents mutual caring group and case counseling, with the concept "mending the heartcrack".As a successful case of medical social work practice, the successful operation experience of thesocial psychological service program of reborn action is worth us to study. Taking social psychologicalservice program of reborn action as an example and the theory of social construction as the theoryperspective, this study is to analyze how the government, social organizations, professional socialworker, hospital and clients construct the medical social work at the level of behavior and cognition, aswell as the interaction of all parts during the process. Then the paper found the characteristics andproblems of social psychological service program of reborn action. Finally, the paper summarizes theexperience and lessons of social psychological services program of reborn action and put forward thedevelopment strategy of China medical social work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical social work, Social psychological service program of reborn action, socialconstruction, Strategy
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